Wednesday - October 9, 2019 🌺

"San! Hyung! Wake up". I yelled, shaking San aggressively.

"Ehh! 5 more minutes!". He whined.

"We have to leave soon! I'll be late!". I warned. San didn't say anything and only fell back to asleep. "Ugh fine! I'll walk. Bye San Hyung". I said, giving up. I walked out the room and down the stairs, in my uniform and all ready.

"Are you walking honey?". My eomma then asked. I nodded and then walked over to her to place a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Well, you be safe. Try to catch up with Beomgyu". She said, smiling sweetly. I nodded and then yelled saranghae, leaving. I sighed, feeling the cool breeze hit my face. I walked for a few minutes before calling Beomgyu.

Calling Chesnut.......

"Yo! Soobin Hyung!"

"Morning Chesnut!"

"Did your brother sleep in again?"

"You know it..."

"Oh that's good! We can walk together!"

"Ne! I wouldn't want anyone else!"

"That bullcrap but I'll meet you at the old bus stop in a few minutes!"

"Alright! See ya Beomie!"

"See ya Hyung! Bye!"

I walked down a couple of streets and then waited by the bus stop for Beomgyu. It wasn't until after a few minutes, he arrived, ready to go to school. "Morning Beomgyu! Are you ready to go now?". I asked. Beomgyu nodded happily and then grabbed my arm, gentle holding onto it. "So how is your morning going?". I said, starting conversation. Beomgyu hummed softly.

"Pretty good actually! Yeonjun Hyung texted me good morning! He even put a heart!". Beomgyu squealed like a fangirl and then his ears turned red, thinking about his crush. I chuckled and then proceeded to tease him.

"You're so whipped Gyu! Yeonjun Hyung is so lucky".

"He doesn't even like me Hyung!". Beomgyu whined, frowning. I smacked my lips and then smacked his head.

"Stop being such a downer! Even if he doesn't like you, we can make him like you". I said confidently. Beomgyu chuckled.

"That's not how it works Hyung. But okay!".

After a few minutes of walking, Beomgyu and I arrived at the school entrance. And to our surprise, none of the others had arrived yet. "Ha! In your face Taehyun! Always thinking I'm gonna be late everyday!". Beomgyu suddenly exclaimed, putting a fist to his chest.

"That's because when we walk together, I force you to get up so you aren't. But that's like once in a million years". I replied. Beomgyu gasped and pretended to be offended dramatically.

"It's not my fault you don't wait for me".

"You sleep in too long. I have to be early too Gyu". I ruffled Beomgyu's hair, putting my arm around his shoulder. "How about we go the cafeteria? We can wait there and maybe get some breakfast". I then suggested.

"Okay Hyung!". Beomgyu complied, smiling.
As we were waiting in the cafeteria, Taehyun showed up.

"Hi Soobin Hyung! Hi Beomgyu Hyung!". He exclaimed, taking his seat. We both replied back, finally feeling less lonely.

"Did you do the homework for math Taehyun Sii?". Beomgyu asked, reflecting puppy eyes.

"I did. And if you want have to pay me 5 bucks". Taehyun replied with a smirk. Beomgyu groaned.

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