17~ Cheating to Pass

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The pair continued to hold hands until their proctor Ibiki Morino announced that they would be starting the written test. Naruto had freaked out. Yue felt so bad for him as she knew he wasn't good at those type of things. Besides he couldn't focus long enough. The seats had been assigned based off which number you were assigned, and Yue was only two rows behind Naruto, but she could still see him. With the test in front of her, Yue couldn't see how anyone could pass this test, but why would they need to solve these questions? Did they want them to cheat and fail?

Glancing up, Yue could see a sentinel writing a name down on their pad. She didn't think much of cheating again. She of course knew some of the answers or maybe she didn't know them. Focusing less on the test and more on her surroundings, she could hear someone writing away on their paper. A sudden chill ran up her spine. Looking back at her test she knew there was no way anyone could know all the answers to the test and even if they did, they shouldn't be quick to solve them.

There was also no way they could have gotten the answers as no one knew about the exam until a few minutes ago. Yue remains focused on her paper as she answers the first and second question quickly, but the rest would take time. Time, she didn't have time for. I guess I'll have to cheat. It was a small trick she had learned when she was little.

Seeing as she couldn't use it on the guy on her row, she used the person in the row in front of her. With one hand that was under the table Yue preforms a quick hand sign and flicks her fingers on the hand that was holding her pencil. A small ice needle is formed as it lands beside the guys paper. With her other hand she brings it back onto the table to cover a small puddle that forms on the table and begins writing down the rest of the answers. The ice needle worked as a sort of mirror as it gave her a perfect image of his paper that reflected back into the small water puddle she made.

Yes, this small trick helped her to escape her gran when she didn't want to train, but her gran also found her despite this trick. It was helpful when she played hide and seek. Just as she did this jutus it seemed everyone was being called out for cheating which resulted in them being kicked out of the exam room.


The tenth question. Ibiki had called times up as it was time for the last question. His intimidating demeanor and all black clothes made it seem like the question was life or death. They had a choice to take the last question. Is this a trick question as well? It could be simple but make you second guess yourself. Yue was on her guard. Everyone knows being a shinobi is life or death. Could this question be to weed out those who cannot handle pressure.

"You will be barred from taking the Chunin exam ever again!" Ibiki's booming voice causes Yue to gasp at what he said. Ibiki gives those frightened a way out, if they didn't want the last question, they could rise their hands and the would be free to go. No way. Yue couldn't believe how many people walked away, but as more people walked away Yue began to lose courage. How many of them leaving have repeated this exam? Should I too just come back again? Her mind had been split between two options, but as she looked around for her teammates, she knew she couldn't do this to them or herself. Sure, they are rookies, but Kakashi wouldn't have sent them to the exams if he didn't think they were ready. Having had come to this conclusion, Yue began to feel more confident in herself and also there was her gran at home.

Looking around at her teammates again Yue could see Naruto shaking. She had seen this once before. Hokage. Naruto isn't going to quit. He would rather fail than quit. Suddenly Naruto's hand rises into the air. Yue's eyes grow wide seeing Naruto's hand raised. His shaking hand slams down onto the desk in front of him as he yells, "Don't underestimate me!" I thought for a second he was calling it quits, but did he have to be overdramatic? "I don't quit, and I don't run." But I have to give it to him. With Naruto's dramatic speech, Yue was more confident in her decision to not give up. It's better to fail than to be a quitter. Besides she didn't like to lose.

Yue almost fell from her seat hearing Ibiki say that they passed. The tenth question was there decision to stay and that the other nine questions was to test how they could gather information under extreme pressure. But she had been right about that someone being placed that already knew the answer. There was just no way someone could answer that quickly. Those questions were way too hard.

Oh bother. I need to sleep this off.


"Yue!" Yue looks over her shoulder to see Nartuo coming up behind her. He falls into place right beside her and grabs her hand in his. "Ah! Naruto why are you holding my hand?" Yue freaked out her face turning red at the sudden move. "I-I. Let go!"

"But Yue you said I could hold your hand after the exams." Naruto whines as he grabs a hold onto Yue's hand after she takes her hand from his. It suddenly dawned on her that she had told Naruto that he could hold her hand when he refused to let go earlier.

"Oh. Well I'm going home. You can walk me there or I can walk you to yours?"

Naruto nods at Yue's suggestions. "I'll walk you to yours."

"See you later love birds." Sakura teases the pair as she walks by them. "Love? Sakaura! It's just two friends holding hands!" Yue shouts even though Sakura is standing right in front of her. The angry look on her face soon vanishes into an embarrassed one as a few people who haven't left turn and look at them.

"Are you sure?" Sasuke says joining into the fun of teasing Yue.


"Hey! What's wrong with being a couple?" Naruto asks looking around. He might be clueless, but he is clueless. Becoming tongue tied Yue didn't have anything to say. She liked holding hands with Naruto, but she found it hard to express said feelings.

"Come on." Yue pulls Naruto along with her leaving a snickering Sakura behind.

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