9~ Naruto the hero

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"You still haven't told us how you helped." Yume sighs over dramatically.

"I'm getting there." Yue scrunches up her face as she sticks her tongue out.


"Now that I'm here, everything will be all right." Naruto says appearing from out of the smoke. It's good that Naruto is here, but he shouldn't have given himself away. "You know in stories the hero usually shows up at the last minute and then kicks butt? We'll that's what I'm going to do right now. Believe it!" Why does he have to be too much? Yue faces palms.

"Alright you're history. Shadow clone jutus." Before Naruto could perform his jutus Zabuza throws a shuriken at him, but they are stopped by Haku throwing needles to stop them.

Everyone looks shocked at Haku's action. "This is a battle not a talent show." Kakashi scolds Naruto for his recklessness. "don't let you opponents see your jutus. Always keep the enemy guessing. You've just turned yourself into a human target when you enter a battle like that."

"I'm sorry! I was just trying to rescue everybody!" Yue didn't know what would happen in this battel with Naruto joining, but she would have to place her full trust in Naruto as she guards the bridge builder Tazuna. Naruto you idiot! Naruto had gone inside instead of staying outside the mirrors. I guess maybe he has a plan. Nothing can happen to the hero right?

"Sasuke, Naruto! Take this guy out, you can do it!" Sakura yells out. "Yue you have to encourage them." Sakura nudges Yue's shoulder when she doesn't say anything.

"Yeah what she said." Yue points to Sakura.

"Don't." Kakashi stops Sakura and Yue.

"huh?" Sakura looks confused at Kakashi

"don't push them. Even if they somehow found a way to overcome the mirror jutus they still couldn't defeat this ninja."

"How can you be so sure?" Yue and Sakura ask.

"they have the desire to win, but not the instinct to kill. That boy lives for pain, he thrives on it." Looking from Kakashi to the boys, Yue could see that the fight had dragged on for long enough and with that boy's speed he could have taken Sasuke and Naruto down at any point. Especially with those needles he had been dishing out. He had been toying with them.

Her hand tightens around her shirt just on top where her heart is. Naruto. Sasuke. Please be alright. Feeling Sakura nudge her, Yue turns her head to see Kakashi revealing his sharingan.

!Flashback Over!

"Sister Yue, it's almost my bedtime can you please hurry up." Yume whines from her mother's lap. Turning her head Yue sees that it is almost nighttime. "Whoops. Fine, fine I'll hurry it up."

"Yes, skip to the part where you save the day."

"Huh? I already told you how I saved the day." Everyone in the room face palms.

"you mean you telling them to watch out for the ice mirrors was you helping?" Yume grabs a chuck of her hair and shakes her head in disbelief.

"What?! Not all heroes fight!

"I can't believe it. My daughter is a sideliner." Enko sighs.

"You brat! All that training and you couldn't fight." Yumi shakes her head in disbelief. Yue braced herself in case her grandmother ran across the room to slap her, but she was not prepared for what happened next. "oh well the chunin exams are coming up."

"Chunin exams?" Yue and Yume ask at the same time.

"Yeah. Any way on with the story." 

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