13~ Sand Ninja

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a/n: I hope you all are doing okay despite this coronavirus and are staying safe. So how are you fighting the boredom? For me I have been doing my school work and thinking of who Yue will be fighting against. I can honestly say I want it to be Shikamaru. 

Sakura chases the five at a fast speed. Yue has no choice but to run as Naruto wouldn't let go of her hand and she couldn't run any faster or she would be dragging him. Konohamaru out runs them all but is quickly thrown back off his feet when he bumps right into someone. A guy wearing all black stands next to a blonde hair female.

"Do you need something?" The male asks. Yue looks at the male with curiosity. She found him attractive for some reason, but maybe that is because she never saw him before and is a stranger. The male picks Konohamaru up by the front of his scarf lifting the small boy so they are face to face. "So, does this hurt punk?"

"Put him down Kankuro." The blonde-haired female says from slightly behind him. Yue notice how her eyes shift as if she is looking for someone. "or you know you'll pay for it later."

"Yeah put him down Kankuro." Yue says stepping up in front of the group slightly, so they know it is she who is talking. The male dressed in all black from head to toe, Kankuro smirks in her direction. "Who are you to pick on a kid anyway." Sakura pulls Yue by the hand slightly to pull her back.

"Sorry, the who thing was my fault."

"No need to apologize to them Sakura." Yue says tugging her hand away, but Sakura grabs Yue quickly and pulls her back. This time it is Sakura protecting Yue.

"You better take your hands off him right now!" Naruto shouts but Kankuro doesn't feel intimidated by the group as he lets out a low laugh with a sneering grin on his face. "We got a few minutes before he gets here. Let's mess with these punks, huh?" Kankuro says stilling holding Konohamaru by his scarf.

"A few? You have a second before I beat you, you punk." Yue is out of Sakura's hold and marches toward the sand ninjas.

"Let go of me." Konohamaru kicks Kankuro's chest, but his kicks do nothing.

"Didn't I say put him down." Kankuro cocks his head to the side seeing Yue standing there.


"Put. Him. Down." Kankuro does put Konohamaru down who runs behind Yue terrified. "Are you going to pick on all of us? There are only two of you." Yue points out.

"You're feisty and sassy."

"And you're still here." Usually Yue is cool and collective, so Naruto and Sakura are shocked to see this side of her.

"Yue!" Naruto yells. Not wanting to see Yue get beat up or hurt, so he rushes towards them but trips over his feet ending up on his backside. However, it wasn't Naruto it was Kankuro's jitus that caused him to do so.

"Looks like your village is full of wimps."

"The only wimp here is you!" Yue points her finger right in Kankuro's face. "Who picks on a little kid?" Kankuro who has had enough of Yue pulls her to him and grabs ahold of the front of her shirt just like when he held Konohamaru by his scarf.

"That's some trick, but is that all you got?" Yue provokes him by sticking her tongue out at him.

"Stop touching Yue or I take you apart! You got that fool?" Yue hears Naruto yell.

"You're all annoying. I don't like runts or any other scrawny weaklings." Kankuro says as his hand balls into a fist.

"Well I don't like bullies." Yue's knee's him right in the jewels causing him to let hold of her just as he is hit with a rock on the arm that was once holding onto Yue.

"You're a long way from home and you're way out your league." Sasuke. It was him who had thrown the rock as he so casually sits up on a tree branch. He looks way to comfortable. How long has he been there?

"Sasuke!" Sakura yells as Yue rolls her eyes annoyed at Sasuke for having stepped in.

"Get lost." The rock that Sasuke was once holding turns to small grains as he crashes it in his hand causing Moegi and Sakura and Undon to look at Sasuke with admiration.

"Unbelievable." Yue mumbles with a huff. She had everything under control and to top it off Sasuke had been sitting in the tree watching everything unfold.

"Kankuro, back off." A redhead had appeared out of nowhere. He hung upside down by his feet on the branch beside Sasuke, right in the shadows. "You're an embarrassment to our village." His eyes, they reminded Yue of a panda as they were outlined in black. The red head with green eyes seemed off to Yue. To her he is scarier than their mission to the land of waves. "Have you forgotten why we have come all the way here?"

"I, know. I mean they challenged us." Kankuro is quick to point the finger at the leaf ninjas.

"Shut up, or I'll kill you." The red hair male made Yue shake with nerves. Feeling her hand tremble, she grabs a hold of it to make is unnoticeable to seem not weak. His eyes reaming unwavering to Yue and despite his cruel and piercing eyes, she notices the words 'Love' that are etched onto his forehead.

Love. She couldn't figure out the strangeness in it all. He didn't seem to be a loving and caring guy. It didn't seem like a joke as Kankuro is frighten by him. Yue thought it is a reminder to love those around him and cherish what time they have left.

Before the three-sand ninja could leave Sakura stops them. "Hold on! I can tell from your headband that you come from the Village Hidden in the Sand. Of course the land of the Fire and Land of Wind are allies but no Shinobi can enter another's village without permission. So, state your purpose."

"Have you guys all been living under a rock or what?" The three-sand ninja turn around as the blonde one speaks. "You don't know what's going on, do you?" The blonde holds up her identification with the approval stamp. "We have permission. Of course, you are correct. We are hidden sand Genin, our home is the Land of the Wind and we're here for the Chunin exams. Get the picture?"

"What! So soon?" Yue mumbles to herself as Naruto looks at her clueless having guessed she knew what the blonde is talking about. Of course, on the inside Yue is freaking out having that feeling of not being prepared. 

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