5~ Kakashi

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The four genin wait impatiently for their group later to arrive. "He's late." Naruto says sticking his head out the class door as he looks up and down the hall.

"Naruto just give it up. Your anxiousness is and pacing is making me dizzy." Yue complains.

"How come our teacher is the only one who is late? I'm ready to roll." Yue let out an exhausted sigh as Naruto complained about how late their teacher is.

"We know okay." Sakura is also agitated by Naruto's complaining and roaming around to see if their teacher had made it yet. Only Sasuke who is sitting seemed patient and didn't care for the lateness of their teacher.

"What are you doing!" Sakura and Yue shout as Naruto pulls a stool up to the door in order to reach the top of the door and put a board eraser in between the door and the frame. What a dumb thing to do. Does he really thing this plan is doing to work?

"Naruto!" Sakura walks up to the blonde-haired boy with her hands placed on her hips looking at him disapprovingly.

"That's what he gets for being late. Surprise!" Naruto says jumping down off the stool.


Before I could tell Naruto just how stupid this is Sakura beats me to it. "You're asking for trouble you know you shouldn't do that?" I knew that despite her complaining she was laughing in the inside. She also found some of his pranks funny and hated having to pay the price when he is late to class because of his pranks.

"Our teacher is a jonin an elite ninja. You think he would fall for that?" Sasuke always drinking the bitter tea is never one to take part in anything. If it didn't benefit him to become stronger, he didn't want any part in it.

"Yes Sasuke is right. You're so clueless Naruto." Oh sweet Sakura she would agree with Sasuke even if he said her forehead is big.

Our attention is drawn to the door as it slides open causing the uncleaned eraser to follow down on a mop of white hair before it falls to the ground.

"I got him. He fell for it!" Naruto laughs as Sakura apologies.

"How can I put this...." The masked man thinks for a second. Oh no. He looks so strict. Naruto you did it this time. "my first impression of this group. You're a bunch of idiots." Sweat drop. Thanks to Naruto we are now considered a bunch of idiots. There is no way he is going to go easy on us now.


After introducing ourselves to each other and to masked man Kakashi so he could know us better. All Kakashi got from Sakura is that she is a total fan girl chasing after Sasuke and that she hates Naruto.

"Uh, what kind of mission are we going to have?" Naruto asks with his goofy grin after Kakashi announced that tomorrow would be our first mission together.

"It's a task we will do together."

"What what what what?" I sure hope he takes this seriously.

"A survival exercise." Kakashi says.

"So, uh what kind of training is it then? "Kakashi begins to laugh under that mask that covers the bottom half of his face up to his nose.

"What's so funny? Naruto's question is what we are all wondering." I say.

"Well if I tell you the answer, you're not going to like it." Kakashi's teasing making the situation even worse as it gives us anxiety and unclarity of what tomorrow has in store for us.

"Of the graduates who just came, only few will actually be accepted as genin." He explains. That's really low. So That means.... "In other words, this is a make or break it pass fail test." What a long name for an exercise.

My thoughts become interrupted as we all become wide mouthed that we would more than likely fail. 66% fail. Just what the hell kind of test is this?

"I decide whether you pass or fail. Be at the designated training spot at 5:00 am." That early! "and bring your ninja gear. That's it you're dismissed. Tomorrow skip breakfast or else you'll puke."

"Ah! What the hell!" I scream out after Kakashi leaves. He must be trying to kill us.

"This must be intense if we'll puke." Sakura says as I let out a sigh. "I never heard of a training exercise that makes you puke. We should all be heading home now. Tomorrow might be a long day." 

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