Sent away to live with 3 Hot Guys. And they have a Secret...Chapter 30

Start from the beginning

"Okay, we need to discuss something...." Mark began, and Logan pulled up a chair, sitting down. I stared at him intently. "....there has been word spreading recently, about a rebellion amongst the mutts." I raised an eyebrow as he said mutts. Huh? "Oh, sweetheart that's the werewolves. The dogs as we call them." My eyes got huge as he said this.

"Werewolves?! What the hell! I didn't know they even existed!" I exclaimed, and Logan nodded his head, while Mark still looked frazzled. I glanced over at Peyton, and he still looked pissed off. "Are you serious? I mean, I guess it makes sense...." My voice trailed off.

"Yes, well they do and...." Marcus stared over at Logan for a second. "Can I speak to you for a minute son, alone?" I glared at him, feeling he can say whatever he has to in front of me too. "It'll just be a minute Gracie." He said sweetly, but I could tell something was worrying him.

I dismissed it, knowing I'd just ask Logan when he came back in. Logan got up, and stopped in front of me. "I'll be back in a minute." He said, as he kissed me on the lips quickly. "Everything's okay." The left outside, leaving me alone with....Peyton. GREAT.

I stared at him, and could still see that he was obviously upset. "Look Peyton I don't want you to be mad at me. It's not like I tried to...." Before I knew it, he had rose from his chair, nearly knocking it over, and was facing me with an angry expression.

My eyes got big in shock. "I love you." He said through gritted teeth. My jaw-dropped in surprised. "And I've come to the conclusion that no matter what I do, its always going to be LOGAN. That fact won't change, and I am slowly starting to accept it. But I refuse to just sit here, seeing you guys flaunt your relationship in front of me!" He growled, and I began to shake my head.

"That is NOT what I'm doing Peyton, and you know it! I'm sorry, there's only one of me and I can't please everyone!" I felt my anger boiling. "I love Logan, and I'm so sorry Peyton, if I hurt you in any way. You have to know that. But I need to start following my heart, and doing what I want. This is MY life too! And if you have a problem with it, then fine!" I exclaimed angrily.

He stared at me, obviously surprised by my outburst. Peyton sighed slowly. "I'm sorry Gracie." He mumbled, and I glanced away, pissed off. "It's just I've never met a girl like you before. I want to find someone special. I'm tired of being a player. I want a girl!" I stepped towards him, gazing at him.

"And you'll find her Peyton. But I know you know, in your heart, that I'm not the one for you. Maybe you're just attracted to me, or you like the thought of me, and what you need in your life. But I know, we're not "soul mates." And I know, you realize this too. I'm not meant for you. Not in the way you think."

 He stood there, taking it all in. I kind of felt bad, but this needed to be said. " long as I have you in my life, that's all I'll ever need. A friend is better than nothing I guess." He said with a smile. I grinned back at him, as I threw my arms tightly around him. "But you are MY best friend. No one else's. Got it?" He asked playfully, and I giggled. There's the Peyton I love.

"Got it. You're MY best friend too. Never forget that. I do love you, but more like a brother." I stated with a smile, as I slowly released him. He let out a chuckle, and nodded. "So what exactly is going on out here? Why is Mark so freaked I mean?" I questioned, and Peyton sighed as he sat up on the counter. He ran a hand through his hair.


"Okay, so there's the vampires, and then there's the werewolves. And the mutts' leader, is a creep. A real son-of-a-bitch. And he thinks he's going to invade our kingdom. Now King Jesiah or Jesse as you call him...." I rolled my eyes, as he continued. " preparing for a battle. A long, HARD, and potentially fatal battle. He's asking for all his strongest men, ones he knows he can depend on. And....." His voice trailed off, causing me to stare at him anxiously. 

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