Not so easy path

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Tutor's Point of View
Since P'Fighter said that he doesn't like me I decided to get over with whatever that had happened between us. It's been few days I couldn't see him in campus but it's not like I'm missing him though but today when we were having lunch in canteen he came there. Zon, my friend always welcomes Fighter but gets irritated because of Saifah. Hwa was there with us too, P'Fighter came and sat beside her. I totally forgot about there relationship, I just kept eating my food. He has brought three cold drinks which he offered us but I declined and Zon said he will have one more then. Hwa asked Fighter "where were you from last few days I couldn't even reach you". He answered "I used to come to the classes but these days we have too many assignments and other study work to do that's why we were busy". Saifah agreed with a nod. He looked at me said those things. "Sorry Tutor I could not come to your tutoring too" "it's okay" I replied. "I will come today", he said. " it's okay if you are too busy" I said with quite cold manner. "No I'm fine today" he said. Hwa was happy that he will continue the tutoring but I was not. Honestly I did not expect him to say such things I thought from now on he will not have any association with me but let it be I am professional person who considers work as work. I will show him that I'm not thinking about what has happened between us and I'm over it.
When I left the university a car came from behind me it was Fighter's he stopped it near me and Zon and offered a lift. I said no thanks but Zon wanted to go in car I told him to go then but he dragged me inside with him. I was looking outside from the window and just nodded to few things said by Zon and Fighter. He first dropped Zon as his home comes earlier and then we reached to my place. Fighter also got off with me and I forgot he said that he will come to have tutoring today.
We went inside the condo and after some set up we began the lesson. For some reason annoying Figter today became so attentive. He was listening very carefully and the test which I had given to him he performed very good in it. After checking the test paper he said "I'm hungry". There was instant noodle at my place so I made him those. While serving I said I made these because I was hungry. Till then he had tour of my condo. I served him the noodles and he ate it like he was hungry for days. Then it was time for him to leave, he was about to leave at 7 pm and he knew at 7.30 I worked at supermarket so he asked if I want a ride, I said "no thank you" he didn't insist and leave. I was quite shocked by his behaviour I was expecting something different from him, like he will annoy or tease me and I had made up my mind that if he does something like that I'm going to tell him that I won't be his tutor anymore. But he surprised me! Okay fine if he can act like nothing has happened then I can too.

Fighter's Point of View
I was wondering about how to won Tutor's favour again, yes I decided to confirm my feelings for him but I didn't know how. I know it will be hard if I approach directly and say 'Tutor let me confirm my feelings towards you therefore let me hang around with you". I will definitely get beaten off for the brazen attitude. In such kind of time you need a mature friend who can guide you the way and I remembered about 'Tharn' he is my senior, now he has completed his degree but he is such a sorted person. He guided me so well when I was in first year it was his last year. When I had tough time sometimes he always comforted me. Oh right he even have a boyfriend and from what I remember he is hot headed but Tharn convinced him. Right Tharn is the perfect person to ask something like this. I called Tharn and told him everything "so you fell literally this time" he said this and laugh. "It's not like that P I still need to confirm". "There is no need to confirm Fighter you have already fallen for him" He teased me more. I asked him now how can I take back his favour? "This boy seems to be very delicate with feelings, he is already hurt with your cold answer and behavoour so approach him with calm behaviour". "I didn't get you P'Tharn I said. He advised me that I should continue friendly relationship with him as we have mutual friends so we can meet him in friend circle, and continue tutoring from him "that is way to let him open to you, show your good side Fighter", he said. I thanked him for his advice and now I'm so relieved, from last few I was not even hanging out with my friends.
After few days I was looking for Tutor in campus and found him having lunch with his friends. I am missing him so much I followed him to his part time job for past few days but not to his knowledge I watched him from far away. Today I decided to act as P'Tharn adviced me. I went to them sat with Hwa and had some conversation with them Tutor was giving me cold shoulder as I expected but I need to be firm to persuade him. I told him that I will continue to have tutoring from him, he doesn't seem happy but could not outrightly reject me. He didn't drink a sip from the cold drink I brought for him though, so cold! Then after we left from university I gave him and Zon lift, Zon was saying something while we were in car but my attention was on Tutor and I can see from mirror he was looking outside from the window and was not showing any expression. I dropped Zon and then we reach to his condo for teaching. As Tharn instructed I became a good boy and listened to him properly. He was explaining me as we only have student teacher relationship and we dont know each other at all and it was hurting me, but I was the one he decided hang on. I stole some glances on his face while learning and every time he looked so cute, even if he is being cold. Then I told him I am hungry and he made me noodles. I offered him a ride to his part time job but he rejected as currently I'm showing my good side I decided to accept his decision and left from there.
I follwed him though to his part time job later on, I was sad looking at him work so hard I wanted him to provide best environment but he certainly will not accept my money so I decided to keep mum. I watched him so that he will not get into the trouble last time.
I left when I watched him going inside his condo. When I fell on the bed that night I could only think about Tutor, I want to have this boy very bad, I missed him even I just saw him few hours ago, I want him to be with me now, I want to devour him till the level of insanity! My feelings are being more deep with the time. I need to win his favour back however it may be!

Fighter Tutor A Twist With DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now