chapter 14: Underneath the tree

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After about an hour of Jude sitting staring at me I finally put down my book. He wasn't going to leave me alone today that was for sure. I readied myself for whatever it was he wanted to say.

"What?" I asked a little harsher than I meant.

Instead of saying anything he wrapped his arms around me holding me in a tight embrace. I let out a soft sigh as his warmth washed over me. It was like I was on a never ending teeter totter. One second he was driving me nuts the other all I wanted was a repeat of last night. I wanted the taste of his kiss but that was probably not going to happen.

"Lila I.."

"So this is where you kids are hiding," my mothers voice breathed making me jump slightly. Jude quickly let me go so we could both turn to face my mother.

"Yeah sorry. What's up?" I asked keeping my eyes off of Jude.

"This came for you in the mail," my mother smiled handing me a small box with a envelope.

"Who's it from?" I asked looking at the wrapped gift.

"I'm not sure there was no return address," she smiled before leaving the room.

"Lila has a secret admirer," Jude teased.

"Stop," I swatted at him playfully completely forgetting about what had happened seconds before my mother interuppted us. "For all we know it could be a bomb," I added.

"Oh so Lila has enemies?" Jude laughed.

"Why are you talking in third person like that?" I giggled moving sligtly to sit up a bit more.

"I really could not tell you even if I wanted to," he smiled as I opened the card slowly just in case it was something dangerous. Luckily I don't live in a horror movie so it just held a glittery Christmas card. "Not a bomb," Jude chuckled as I read the inside of the card. My heart nearly dropped on he floor as I read the words. My stomach turned slightly and not in a good way. "Who's it from?" Jude asked surely noticing my slight distress.

"My ex," I whispered. Owen and I had not broken up on good terms. He was also part of the reason why I left the city in the first place. Judes normally happy mood instanly turned to concern.

"Everything okay?" he asked softly. His warm eyes searching my face for any signs.

"Yeah I just thought that, that part of my life was behind me now. I guess I was wrong," I answered turning to the small box. What on earth could Owen have gotten me? Maybe it was a bomb.

"You don't have to open that," Judes voice breathed following my gaze to the box.

I knew Jude was right. I could have just tossed the stupid thing in the trash. I should have but my curiosity got the better of me. I tugged on the red paper carefully until my fingers touched the smooth jewellery box that was underneath. I quickly lifted the lid letting out a small gasp. My eyes stared at the dimond ring and the small note that said 'Baby I'm sorry. Marry Me?' We hadn't seen or spoken to each other in six months. What the hell was wrong with him? I quickly snapped the tiny box shut sitting it as far away from me as possible. If my heart went through any more tourment this year I was sure I would die an untimely death.

"What did he do?" Jude asked still watching me carefully. He reached for the box quickly turning it so he could look inside. "Oh." He breathed looking at me slightly shocked. I took the box from Judes hand and set it back down glarring at the box. I kind of whished it was a bomb. "What are you going to say?" Jude asked looking away from me into the fire place.

"No. Clearly," I scoffed. There was no way I would ever say yes to Owen. I mean there probably was I time I would have said yes to him. Back when I thought I loved him. That all changed when I caught him sleeping with one of our friends. Which was why we broke up. I thought he had gotten the point when I stopped talking to him, or when I moved away. Clearly I was wrong.

"Bad breakup?" Jude asked softly moving slightly closer to me.

"He cheated on me," I sighed. "I remember thinking it was something I did for a few months. I don't know I guess I just figured I wasn't fullfilling my roll as girlfriend. It's stupid really but I blamed myself for his lack of control."

"You deserve better," Jude breathed pulling me close to him. "The jerk didn't know what he was missing out on." He said in a low soothing voice as I laid my head on his shoulder.

I knew Jude was right. Owen really didn't deserve me. Plus if he did it once I'm sure he would do it again. He broke my trust and I knew deep down that I would never trust him the same again. Knowing that I knew that, that was not the life I wanted to live. The only thing I really wanted under that tree wasn't a silly ring it was the guy that was doing his best to comfort me.

"I'm sorry Lila," Jude breathed kissing my forehead gentlly. I smiled up at him my eyes meeting his.

"Thank you Jude," I murmured softly.

"Any time Delilah," he smiled. "And if you want me to beat the snot out of him just say the words," he added making me giggle.

"Nah, Owen isn't worth it," I responded moving slightly to get off of Judes lap. Jude however had other plans in mind because he held me in place.

"Grab a thermus of hot chocolate and meet me at my car in ten minutes," Jude whispered into my ear making me shiver sightly at his closeness. I nodded before he let me go. I made my way into the kitchen making a large thermus of hot chocolate like Jude had asked before meeting him out at his car

"Where are we going?" I asked as I slipped into the passenger seat.

"That's a surprise Miss Montgomery," Jude winked leaving it at that.

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