Chapter 12: Mistletoe

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After our late night bakery raid we  made our way back home. The lights were all off at both houses so our parents were most likely in bed already. We quietly made our way inside my house making our way through the house in the dark like old times when we didn't want to get caught sneaking back in. I was walking towards the stairs when Judes hand slipped into mine pulling me back.

"It's only eleven," he whispered into my ear. "And I am not tired," he added. His breath tickling the skin just beneath my ear.

"That's not my problem Jude," I said in a hushed tone.

"Come on Lila," he pleaded. "You used to be fun."

"I'm still fun Jude," I answered. "I just grew up," I added quietly.

"So grow back down," he laughed.

"We are going to wake up my parents," I warned him.

"It's not like it would be the first time," he argued.

"Yeah but this time I'm not a teenager," I  fought back.

"Fine," he sighed making me feel slightly bad. I also felt slightly empty inside when his hand let go of mine.

"Wait," I breathed before he could walk away. "What did you have in mind?"

"How about a glass of wine by the fire?" he asked softly.

"Since when do you drink wine?" I asked looking at him like he had grown three more heads.

"Since I grew up," he answered feeding me my own line basically. I rolled my eyes as I followed him to the kitchen. "Strawberry wine okay?" he asked looking at the bottles of wine my parents had in the fridge for the holidays.

"Sure," I answered as I grabbed two glasses. He poured us each a glass before placing the bottle back into the fridge. We made our way quietly to the living room where the fire was still blazing in any other situation I would be swooning over the guy. This time was slightly awkward. My body wanted to swoon but my mind said I was reading too much into the gesture. My heart jumped as he placed a red knitted blanket over our laps in a slightly more intimate way. This was Hollywood romance at it's finest. At least it was in my head. I just wish he knew the inner turmoil he was causing me. 

We sat and talked for a while just sharing things that the other had missed the past few years. Turns out Jude's ex had broken up with him when he accepted to take over the bakery. She wanted the big expensive city life where he did not. I felt slightly sorry for him but part of my heart was jumping for joy that she had severed the ties. Which I know probably makes me a horrible person. I just couldn't help it. About three hours later the fire had begun to die down giving the room a soft glow.

"We should probably call it a night," I stated softly standing up. I grabbed both glasses setting them in the sink. I would have to wash them tomorrow. I yawned slightly as I returned to the living room Jude was standing by the tree looking at an ornimant. I moved towards him stopping as soon as I was a few feet away from him.

His eyes were trained on somethin in the tree making me lean in slightly to see exactly what he was looking at. BeforeI could react Jude had turned so he was facing me. His face was so close to mine I could feel the heat radiating from his skin. His eyes sparkled softly as he leaned in making my breath get caught in my throat as his lips crashed against mine.

I closed my eyes as he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me slighly closer. His other hand tangled into my hair as he deepened the kiss. My heart beat so fast I thought it was about to explode. Jude was kissing me. His kiss was steady and sure unlike the last time. It also made my knees weak. As weird as it might be the kiss just felt so right. My heart sank slightly when he pulled away.

"What was that for?" I asked. Surely my hair was a mess and my cheeks were most likely flushed.

"Mistletoe," he smiled pointing up.

"What?" I asked following to where his finger was pointing. My heart sank even further when my eyes landed on the white berries. "You can't just do that," I hissed.

"Um I'm pretty sure that's what's suppose to happen when you see someone standing under the mistletoe," he argued.

"Yeah but not with me," I growled. This was the last time he was going to toy with my heart.

"Can't a guy kiss his best freind under the mistletoe?" he asked innocently.

"Absoutely not Jude," I snapped.

"Delilah I think you're over reacting a litte," Jude breathed running a hand through his hair.

"Jude you can't just play with my heart and then act like you've done nothing," I snarled.

"I'm not playing with you're heart Lila. You're my best friend."

"You know what forget about it," I sighed walking away. I knew I was over thinking everything. I felt the blood rush to my face in embaracement. How could I be so stupid? This all started with that stupid promise. "I'll see you tomorrow," I added walking upstairs.

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