Chapter 4 : Sleigh bells ring

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  • Zadedykowane Joanne Parson

 After we had finished wrapping all of Jude's gifts we tucked them under the tree downstairs. I just wish we were both able to be back in time to decorate the tree. Unfortunately that just wasn't the case.  Maybe next year. At least I could be hopeful to think there might be a next year. I looked over at Jude as we sipped hot cocoa by the fireplace. Our Parents had decided to turn in early since we had a busy day planned for tomorrow. So right now it was just Jude and me sitting around talking about Christmas's we have had in the past.

"Do you remember the year we went on the sleigh ride?" Jude laughed.

"The sleigh bells still ring in my head. How could I possibly forget?" I questioned. "I thought I would never regain the feeling in my fingers," I giggled.

"You should have worn mittens," Jude teased leaning back against the couch.

"No one wore mittens in grade eight. It was the cool thing to do," I smiled before taking another sip of my cocoa.

"I wore mittens," he smiled smugly.

"You were a dork," I reminded him. Jude hadn't had his growth spurt at that time so he was in that awkward tween stage. He was thin, short and got picked on regularly. It was a few years later that he really grew into himself.

"Says the girl who couldn't keep her nose out of a book," he shot back playfully.

"Okay, okay I was a dork too," I smiled. "You know what?" I asked softly.

"What?" He asked in response. His dark eyes meeting mine.

"I really missed this," I breathed motioning around.

"Yeah me too," he sighed happily.

"So you're moving back?" I asked quietly. At first I wasn't really sure if he had heard me since it took him a few moments to respond.

"Yeah," he nodded. "My parents didn't want the duties of the shop anymore and asked if I wanted to take over. Of course I said yes. This will be the third generation owning that place. I couldn't pass it up."

"That's great," I smiled. "I'm really happy for you."  I still remember when Jude's parents took over the old family business. It had been opened by Jude's grandfather on his mothers side. It wasn't much but it was the best little bakery around.  Jude had learned how to bake at a young age and loved it. It really didn't surprise me that he would follow in his families footsteps.

"Thanks Lila," he smiled at me.

"One thing though," I murmured softly.

"Yeah?" He asked.

" I was told not to trust a skinny chef," I giggled.

"Well that's true but I'm a baker not a chef," he answered jabbing me in the side.

"True but I'm sure you'll have an issue not eating the inventory," I teased. Jude had a soft spot for baked goods. I really didn't blame him though. His mother was a great Baker.

"Ha ha very funny. But I'm allowed to taste test," he shot back in a playful tone.

"Taste test is one thing devouring whole batches is another," I continued.

"That was one time," he sighed. "I just wanted the cookies to turn out so I tested a few."

"A few is an understatement," I breathed. Apparently that is where he drew the line before I knew it he was holding me against the back of the couch. His warm breath traced my lips as he looked at me.

"Now you've done it," he laughed. "You know too much Miss Delilah Montgomery. I think I'll just have to get rid of you," he said with a straight face.

"What?" I laughed. "You can't get rid of me," I argued.

"Oh, and why is that?" He asked a grin tugging at his lips.

"Cause no one else would put up with your crazy escapades," I answered.

"True," he breathed pausing to think for a second. " But you know all my secrets."

"Fair enough," I nodded. "If you get rid of me now you will never know what I got you for Christmas," I added.

"You drive a hard bargain Miss Montgomery," Jude smiled. "I suppose I need to keep you around a little while longer."

We sat like that for a few more minutes. His lips were inches away from mine. His breath tickling my skin. His eyes were holding something I had never seen before. At least not from Jude. My heart began to speed up at the realization of what was actually going on. Was Jude really about to kiss me? For the second time. The first kiss was to seal a deal. This one on the other hand would be because he actually wanted to. That being said did I want him to kiss me? A kiss could change a whole lot between us. Was I really ready for that? His head ducked in a little further. I closed my eyes at the movement. Mentally preparing myself for his kiss.

"We should get to bed," he whispered  before pulling away. My heart sank slightly at the lack of closeness.

"Yeah. Busy day," I breathed trying hard to hide my disappointment.

Christmas when you were mineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz