Chapter 1: Home for Christmas

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  • Dedicated to Russell Parson

To say our promise lasted would have been a sweet, romantic movie worthy thing. But then that would be in a perfect world where life doesn't get in the way. We spent one Christmas after our promise together. The year after that my car broke down and I couldn't make it until new years eve and by then Jude had already gone home. The next year Jude's girlfriend decided he would spend Christmas with her family and showed up for New years but I had plans with my friends back at school so I had gone home the day before he arrived. Last year my ex and I had plans with his family and my parents came up to see us over new years. This year was the first year in three years that we would be under the same roof for Christmas. Besides it didn't really matter right? Jude and I were just friends. He probably only made us kiss on it to see if I'd actually do it or something stupid like that.

I sighed as I pulled into my parents drive way. My back seat was loaded with gifts and my trunk was full of luggage. I had done my time off in the city. I was ready to be home now. At least for a little while until I found a place of my own. I had already sent the rest of my stuff to storage. Right now all I had to do was make it through the holidays. I leaned back in my seat glancing over to Jude's parents house. His car was already parked behind his parents red jimmy.

I wasn't really sure why I was so nervous. It was just Jude. I suppose part of me was worried he would be upset that I had broken our promise. I took one last big breath in before stepping out of my car. I moved to my trunk and pulled out the suitcases I had stuffed inside.

"Need some help?" A male voice asked from beside me making me jump. My breath caught in my throat as the smell of cologne hit me. Jude. There was no denying it.

"I uh got it," I mumbled as a pair of large hands reached into the trunk of my car pulling out the last suitcase inside.

"No need to be shy Lila," his voice teased.

"Yeah, sorry," I breathed.

"So how have you been?" He asked as he shut the trunk.

"Busy," I breathed picking up a few suitcases. "You?" I asked before making my way up the snow covered path.

"Same," his voice chuckled behind me.

It was weird being like this with him. I mean it was Jude. The boy I knew like my own heartbeat. I guaranteed tucked away under the Christmas tree was a sweater he bought for his mother. Like every year before. I knew he always put the star on top of the tree. Or the fact that he only ate short bread cookies that were baked with cherries. Or that the gingerbread houses would never get constructed because he would always snack on them before we had a chance to build one. I knew that he needed help sleeping on Christmas eve because his excitement always got the better of him. I knew that he believed in Santa Clause until he was thirteen. I knew him plain and simple. So why was it so weird being around him?

"Thanks for the help," I smiled at him once my suitcases were inside my parents house.

"The back seat of your car is still full," he smiled back raising an eyebrow at me.

"It's okay it wont take me long to get it all,"I answered looking at the ground. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye.

"Lila," he breathed running a hand through his hair.

"Jude, its okay really," I smiled weakly peeking up at him through my eyelashes.

"You broke your promise," he breathed softly leaning closer.

"I'm not the only one," I squeaked. "Besides I'm sure your girlfriend is looking for you," I added trying to change the subject.

"There's no girlfriend," his voice breathed as he leaned up against the wall. "She broke up with me this summer," he added.

"Oh," I said looking down once again. "I'm sorry Jude," I added quickly.

"Nah its okay. We had been drifting apart for a while."

"So Mr. Charming is single again?" I teased trying to lighten the mood.

"Awe you think I'm charming Lila?" He winked at me.

"What no," I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest. "How about we go finish unloading my car," I smiled changing the subject quickly. 

"Its been three years Lila and you can barely talk to me," he chuckled.

"Three years is a long time Jude. I mean I could barely know you," I added calmly stepping around him.

"I'm still that same guy. I still don't read books," he laughed.

"Well somethings never change." And with that the conversation was over. I stepped outside and headed back towards my car Jude close behind.

I looked around and smiled. It was like old times once again. The old banter was back. The Christmas decorations were up and the smell of Christmas was in the air. What could possibly go wrong?

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