Chapter 5: Carol of the bells

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I barely got any sleep last night after Jude and my near kiss. I couldn't get it out of my mind. I grumpily got up and started my regular morning routine. Today we had the local Christmas gathering. It was a town wide thing. Not everyone attended but it was a fun event. There was Christmas Carols, Santa Claus, some small games and more. I pulled on a knitted hat once I was done getting ready before making my way downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table talking and laughing.

"What's so funny?" I smiled as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

"Morning sweetie," my mothers voice chimed. I smiled at her as I sat down next to her. These were the moments I cherished. Everyone I loved in one room.

"Morning," I breathed taking a sip of coffee. I kept my eyes on the tan liquid avoiding and glances Judes way. I just found it weird to look at him. At least at the moment. It was just a little painful I suppose would be the description of how I was feeling.

"The bells are performing tonight," my mother smiled clearly not sensing the tense atmosphere.

"Oh yeah?" I asked turning to face her. The bells were a choir I had been part of for years. They often performed at various events and Christmas was a big event.

"Yes this year the performance is called 'The Carol of the Bells' it should be quite good," she answered. Her smile reached her eyes just like always. My mother had a way of warming a room with a simple smile and today was no different.

"I'm sure it will," I responded before turning back to my drink.


I should have known that after about an hour Jude's and my parents would ditch us for some as they said 'Alone time'. I cursed my parents secretively as they walked away hand in hand. However this was a normal thing. They did this every year. I didn't blame them really. I knew that a relationship needed constant work to survive and they deserved some alone time. So Jude and I walked around in silence. The Bells had taken the stage filling the air with Christmas Carols.

"You know what?" Jude's voice breathed after about and hour of nothing.

"What?" I asked keeping my eyes off of him. Jude was my friend nothing more. He didn't look at me that way. He never has so why would that change now?

"We should get our picture taken with Santa," he answered making me stop dead in my tracks.

"We are not eight," I smiled turning to face him.

"Oh come on where's your Christmas spirit?" He asked. "Its just a picture."

"Okay," I murmured as we started our way towards Santa. I stuffed my hands into my pockets nervously. How could he just go on like nothing had happened? I shook the thought out of my head as we got into line for Santa Claus.

"So tell me were you a good girl this year?" Jude asked making my heart jump slightly.

"That's something you'll never know," I responded softly.

"That doesn't sound too good," Jude teased.

"Says the boy who will surely get a lump of coal," I shot back. He wrapped an arm over my shoulders getting closer so he could whisper in my ear.

"I can picture doing a few things that would get us both on the naughty list," he whispered. I held my breath as his hot breath brushed against the skin just beneath my ear. Goosebumps covered my skin as he spoke quietly so no one else could hear. I swear my cheek turned as red as Santa's suit.

"Jude," I squeaked as he pulled away with a smug, satisfied grin.

"Its our turn," Jude whispered. As he moved towards Santa who was sitting in a large thrown like chair. Great now I was going to look like a tomato in this photo. I narrowed my eyes at Jude as I stood beside Santa on the opposite side as Jude. The woman in the Mrs Claus outfit took the picture quickly before ushering us to the side to wait for it to print. Luckily for me I didn't look too red when the woman passed me the photo. My cheeks were a little rosy but you could just pass it off as the chilly air. "That's a keeper," Jude winked as he looked at his own photograph.

We both purchased a frame from the small kiosk slipping the photos into them before I set them both in my purse for safe keeping. We walked around a little longer, played a few games before enjoying a cup of hot apple cider. We found our parents at the base of the Christmas tree that was loaded with gifts for children who's families couldn't afford to give them a proper Christmas. I placed a stuffed animal we had won in one of the games at the base of the tree. I didn't need it so I figured the best place for the little deer was in the arms of a child who would love it.

"Should we head back home?" Jude's father asked the group. Everyone nodded at the same time. We had been outside for quite some time now and I'm sure we were all equally as cold.

Once we got back to our houses we went our separate ways. I made my way to my room setting the Christmas photo on my nightstand. I missed the days when Jude and I were happy like that. Even if he was slightly inappropriate at times. He was my best friend and I missed having him in my life.

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