Chapter 2: Walking in a winter wonderland

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  • İtfaf edildi Kylie Lott

I had been home for a total of six hours. My stuff was safely tucked into my old room.The presents were placed under the tree. Dinner was long over and now I was sitting on my bed with my favorite book. Just like old times. I was surprised just how easy it was to fall back into old habits.

"You read too much," Jude's voice laughed from my doorway.

"And you have a bad habit of not knocking," I shot back throwing a pillow towards him.

"I did knock, four times actually," he teased stepping inside the room.

"I was reading,"I shrugged. I always seemed to be lost to the world when my mind was caught in a good story. "What do you want Jude?" I asked setting the book down as he sat down next to me. I sucked in a breath as I remembered the last time we were like this. My heart sped up slightly as I looked into his brown eyes.

"Well Christmas is in a few days and well I had some last minute shopping to do. I was hoping you would help me. I mean if your boyfriend doesn't mind me stealing you for a day," he smiled.

"No boyfriend," I whispered looking down at the comforter. "So sure I can help you out," I added quickly which only made Jude laugh.

"Well aren't we quite the pair," he laughed. "What are two prime specimens doing single over the holidays?"

"Maybe we are broken," I giggled.

"I don't know about you but I'm definitely not broken," he winked as he pulled his shirt up slightly revealing his six pack.

"Yeah, yeah so you've got a nice body. That doesn't mean you're not broken," I scoffed looking away from his near flawless physic.

"You think I've got a nice body?" He asked. I could hear the smile tugging at his lips even though I wasn't looking at him.

"What? No," I answered abruptly. "I was just stating that you are kind of conceited."

"Ouch that hurts Lila," he faked a pained voice.

"Oh come on its not like its new news," I laughed.

"And I thought you were my friend," he added with a shocked tone. I rolled my eyes before mistakenly stealing a glimpse of his face. Before I knew it his face was mere inches from mine. His warm breath traced my skin playfully. My heart raced like crazy as he leaned in even closer. A smile tugged at his lips probably when he noticed the panicked look in my eyes.

"Jude," I mumbled softly trying to avert my eyes from his with no luck. He pressed his lips against my nose playfully before pulling away completely. He quickly got up and moved to the door.

"See you tomorrow," he smiled before disappearing through the door. I let out the breath I was holding as soon as he was out of ear shot. That boy was going to be the death of me.

*** The next day ***

I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and cinnamon buns. Just the thought made me smile. It also made a bunch of warm memories run rampant in my mind. The one that stuck out the most was when Jude and I were sixteen. I could remember it like it was yesterday.


"Why do you always have to hog all the cinnamon buns?" I whined as Jude swiped the last bun stuffing it into his mouth.

My mouth watered as he devoured the poor thing. It was just like Jude to take it. He always did. He shrugged before a large smile spread across his face making me frown.

"You are ridiculous," I growled pushing my chair away from the table. My anger boiled my blood. I know it was a little crazy letting something so small bother me. I just couldn't help it. Jude was just always so insensitive.

"Lila, I'm...." He called after me as I stormed away.

I tugged on my coat and boots and rushed outside. I kicked the snow that had practically fallen overnight. Now I was frustrated that my mood wouldn't let me enjoy the beauty of the new winter wonderland. Jude just had to ruin everything.

I cursed the blond boy who was finishing off my cinnamon bun. Again probably over reacting but he just made me so mad. It was the twenty fourth so at least tomorrow was Christmas. There was no way he could ruin tomorrow for me. I smiled to myself as I made my way back inside. I planned on picking up a book and falling into it for the rest of the day.

The next day Jude shook me awake excitedly. A big goofy grin graced his lips making me feel slightly guilty for being so mad at him yesterday.

"Morning sunshine," he spoke softly.

"What time is it?" I asked noticing the sun hadn't even begun to stream in through my window.

"Five," he whispered.

"Five?" I asked slightly annoyed. "Go back to bed Jude," I practically growled.

"I can't sleep,"he whined.

"So you decided to wake me up?" I hissed.

"Come on Lila it's Christmas," he pleaded making my heart grow soft. He just had that kind of charm.

"Fine but I'm not getting up yet," I sighed. "Hurry up get in," I mumbled moving over so he could slip into my bed. He smiled before he climbed under the comforter laying beside me.

"I don't think I could ever be this comfortable with someone else," he murmured softly. "Its like all the pressure has been washed away and I can be myself," he added quietly making my heart skip a beat. I looked over at him and smiled. His hair was all over the place falling in front of his eyes. He had a sweet innocent look on that I knew not very many people got to see. I was lucky to know the real Jude. He might be irritating but he wasn't so bad.

"Its because we're best friends," I answered.

"No its more than that," he replayed. "Its like you're the other half of my soul," he breathed making me blush.

"What are you saying?" I asked nervously. I could feel my skin heat up slightly as his words sunk in slowly.

"I don't know," he laughed ending the conversation.

Christmas when you were mineHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin