Chapter 21 : Special Ending #1

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**special chapter***
*Delilahs POV*

Love was normally like a shiney penny. It started out shiney and new. Yet eventually it dulled and became lost in couches or on the side of the road unwanted and forgotten.

Jude and I however we're different. Everything was sweet and yet simple. It was exciting and yet relaxing all at the same time. Each day I couldn't wait to see his face. I also couldn't wait to seal away the day with a kiss from his all to kissable lips.

With the holidays coming to a close I couldn't help but wonder where life would take us. Butterflies danced in my stomach as I stepped into the bakery Jude would soon be taking over.

"Do my eyes fail me or do I see the most beautiful girl standing in my bakery?" Jude's voice breathed as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Stop your making me blush," I giggled as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"I like it when you blush," he breathed softly into my ear. "So what brings you into my little shop beautiful?"

"Well you see I've been in dire need of something sweet," I teased. "Maybe a sugar cookie or two.

"Girl you are going to eat me out of house and home," he laughed handing me an already packaged up box. He knew me so well.

"My knight in white apron," I giggled taking the box happily.

"We still going to the place tonight?" He asked all playfullness aside.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I smiled meet you there. I placed a sweet kiss on his cheek before leaving the bakery Jude and all. At least I had the cookies to keep me company until Jude got away from work.

I sat in my car nibbling on the cookies as I waited for Jude to show up. I watched the snow dance in the air as it fell lazily to the ground. I couldn't help the excitement that was growing in my stomach as each minute ticked by.

The sweet taste of the cookies just reminded me of his kiss. It was a feeling like waking up on Christmas morning to see the gifts tucked under the tree. It was a feeling I hoped I would never lose. Somehow I knew that with Jude by my side that the feeling would never fade.

My heart fluttered as the lights danced across the road just below where I was parked.

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