chapter 9: Let it snow

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  • Dedicated to StacyandJeff Lott

After our awkward coffee shop conversation we started back to our parents houses. About half way back it began to snow. Thousands of glittery snowflakes danced around us as we moved. The wind had picked up quite a bit which I was definitely not ready for. I crossed my arms over my chest in attempts to keep a little body heat in.

"You okay?" Jude asked looking at me with a worried expression?

"Yeah," I smiled. In all honesty I was freezing. The wind had a way of sinking in right to the bones.

"You're teeth are chattering," he answered warmly. "Come here. We might as well try and stay warm," he added raising an arm for me to move closer to him. I paused for a second letting my mind run wild once again. This just seemed way to intimate for my liking. "Come on Lila. Clearly you are freezing," Jude sighed clearly sensing my hesitance.

Finally my body beat out mind. I was cold and Jude was offering to at least share a little of his warmth. It may be a little strange and intimate but this was simply and innocent act of two friends. At least that's what I told myself silently. Over and over again. The smell of Judes Cologne filled the air around me making my heart beat race slightly faster.

"So do you still sing?" Jude asked. His breath danced in the air making a cloud swirl into the air.

"Not really," I answered his completely random question.

"That's too bad," he murmured. Were we actually doing the whole small talk thing? I nodded my response not really trusting my voice at the moment. "Would you sing me a song for Christmas?" I looked at him like he had eight heads.

"Why?" I asked skeptically.

"I just miss your voice," he answered making me blush for like the millionth time since I've been back home. I let my eyes trail down the street lingering on the Christmas lights.

"But other people will hear," I argued.

"What other people?" he asked looking alone. "We are completely alone."

"Okay. fine," I sighed finally after a few moments. I thought for a second before singing the first thing that came to my mind.

"Oh the weather outside is frightful. But the fire is so delightful. And since we've no place to go. Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!"

I could feel the smile spread across his face just by the way he shifted slightly. It was a weird sensation but deep down knowing that something so simple like me singing a Christmas carol was enough to make him happy made me happy.

"It doesn't show signs of stopping. And I've bought some corn for popping. The lights are turned way down low.Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" I continued as we continued down the street. Surely if anyone was watching they would think we were nuts. Maybe we were but something about it just seemed so right.

"When we finally kiss good night. How I'll hate going out in the storm! But if you'll really hold me tight.
All the way home I'll be warm." I felt Judes arm tighten around me slightly making my heart skip a beat before settling to an unsteady pace.

"The fire is slowly dying. And, my dear, we're still goodbying. But as long as you love me so. Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!" I finished with a smile spread across my face. Something Jude was always able to bring out of me.

"Just as beautiful as I remembered," he breathed as we finally reached our parents houses. He then pulled away from me leaving me feeling slightly empty inside. We quickly ducked inside snow falling from our clothes as we took off our coats and boots.I sucked in a breath when his hand reached out tucking a peice of my stray hair away from my face. I noticed hesitation in his eyes as he started to move in closer before he pulled away completely.

"Well I'm going to go have a bath to warm up," I squeaked before leaving him alone in the boot room to my parents house. Once locked inside the bathroom  I sank to my nose into the warm water. Despite being submerged in almost scorching hot water I felt cold. Surprisingly I missed Judes warm arm wrapped around me.

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