2018 Issue | March: The Sacrifice Offered to the Deity

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"I hereby present the finale of the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze's resurrection! Now, let us roister for the curtain-up of devastation!"

To thwart the revival of the Destruction Deity "Gyze", four warriors of light raided "Void Relics". "Chaos Breaker Dragon" welcomed them with clapping hands, but hidden in his mind was disappointment. "Is that all?"

(Four is below my expectations.)

He had opened the portal so that all with the adequate level of power could enter this space. Yet, there were so few attackers, that could barely meet the minimum number of actors to make the play enjoyable.

"Who are you?"

"It's a tradition to say your name first, before asking someone's name. Isn't it, Chrono Dran?"

What a pity to have only a few participants for the banquet of world's end. For Chaos Breaker has made quite a number of efforts to make the banquet enjoyable.

"Oh yes, sorry! I'm Chrono... hey, you know me?"

Nevertheless, Chaos Breaker hid his disappointment and showed his characteristic smirk. For he likes the title "the Clown", it applied to him for some time.

"Yes, I know. You have been a particularly important subject of monitoring for these several hundreds of years."

It is the Clown's duty to wear the mask of a smile. An actor should never expose his true feelings.

(Reading others' minds to manipulate their actions is extremely fascinating... but becoming the prey of mind-reading is never my hobby.)

Chaos Breaker turned his eerie smile to Chrono Dran, making the latter so horrified that he hid behind "Chronojet Dragon". And, two silhouettes stood out to protect Chrono Dran.

"Ahsha... Altmile..."

"Subject of monitoring... that's an unpleasant term."

"I don't know of your machinations, but there is no way you could hurt him."

With firm words, Ahsha and Altmile released an enormous amount of fighting aura and mana. They were ready to fight. Their mana were stronger than anytime of wars they had experienced.

(Both of them... have power beyond the limits of mankind.)

Even Chronojet, who had chosen them, was surprised by their growth. Even deities could not defeat them without suffering heavy loss... the pressure they gave was strong enough to make others think so. But, even when standing in front of such power,

"Marvelous... what marvelous mana. How many centuries have passed since the last time I saw such level of power, I wonder."

Chaos Breaker responded with no fear, but a deeper smirk. He clapped his hands loudly.

(Minimum, that said, they are truly mighty beings. Competent enough to decorate this wonderful stage.)

Clapping his hands several times, he raised his right hand, and pointed one finger up.

"Let me say it in advance, I am tenacious and unyielding. Know that the Destruction Deity's revival is unstoppable, unless I am annihilated without even one piece of flesh remaining."

Moving his finger down, a black line appeared in the space. The line spread out like an opening wound, and a great scythe dropped from the line and descended on Chaos Breaker's hand.

"If you want to save the world, display your full strength from the very beginning. No need to save your strength, no need to be thrift."

As he flickered his finger, the scythe spinned like it was a living thing. Every floating rock touched the scythe crumbled to dust. All his actions were imbued by an unimaginable amount of mana. The four warriors confronting him became more alerted.

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