2017 Issue | April: The Resumption of Vendetta

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Rrr, rrr.

"That's troubling~"

Carriages of archaic style are moving on the roads of United Sanctuary. There were thirty... or more. Even trade caravans heading the capital would not reach this size. They, who were they?

"Why must I do this..."

They were entertainers whose performance was praised as "unparalleled in Cray" by even the rich magnate of the capital. And, they were also agents who were feared as "the most unwanted enemy" by even the top brass of the underworld. Yes, on the carriages were members of "Pale Moon", the top circus of the world.

"And, to say, shouldn't an underling be the coachman..."

They stick to traditions, and are unwilling to use the up-to-date scientific technologies. That is why they travel by carriages. They are not allowed to use teleportation devices and magic-driven vehicles, for they are products of combined magic and science. But, as a matter of fact, not every member of the circus understands this archaic rule.

"Troubling it is, this nasty luggage."

The elven boy, "Harri", holding the reins while complaining, is a member of the younger generation who could not understand the archaic rules. Despite his looks, he is in fact in his thirties, so calling him a boy may not be that suitable, but his appearance is exactly that of a ten-year-old boy. By the way, even though elves are known for their longevity, most of them grow up at the same speed as humans until they reach their twenties. Harri, keeping his childish look, is an exception.

"Stop complaining, look at the front!"

Unable to bear Harri's relentless complaints, the coachwoman next to Harri tried to stop him. That was a blonde girl, looking older than Harri.

"Hey, Lappin... I've told you many times, I'm older than you, so use honorifics!"

In fact, Harri is older than Lappin. Harri grinded his teeth with a look like he was going to bite someone, but Lappin sighed without showing the slightest sign of fear.

"Though senpai insists that I should use honorifics, you look like a brat!"

Lappin deliberately showed an exaggerated face of surprise. Harri is a temperamental person, and he was easily enraged by the fact that Lappin viewed him as a kid.

"You! Who are you calling a brat!?"

Though Harri shouted in a loud voice, Lappin didn't step back, and sneered with a finger pointing at Harri,

"Senpai, that is."

She added fuel to the fire.

"You're getting on my nerves---!"

Lappin smirked as she saw her senpai get enraged. Although they were broiling, they didn't make even one mistake when controlling the horses.

"Oh, look, we're reaching the border."

They had reached the border before they noticed.

"Humph, you're good at changing topics."

"Fine, fine, it'd be a grave mistake if we don't see this attraction with our hearts!"

This is the entrance of the massive bridge connecting the Kingdom of United Sanctuary and Dark Zone.

"This is the Ancient Bridge, one of the Three Greatest Attractions of Dark Zone. Hahaha!"

"I know, what are the other two?"

Lappin was pointing at the bridge in a proud face, but Harri's sudden question shook her.

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