15: A Y E A R

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It was an enjoyable day at the beach, you didn't notice how the sun has finally started to set.

"Al, sit with me, let's watch the sunset," Jungkook spread his arms and you automatically fit right in.

There you were both sitting on the sand, your back against his bare chest, his arms around your waist, just watching the sun in the horizon that's slowly hiding under the vast sea, creating colours of pink, purple, yellow and orange in the sky.

It was beautiful.

You hope that moment would last forever.

You took in a deep breath.

"Forever is a long time," you subconsciously said.

"Not if it's with you," Jungkook whispered on your ear.

You turned your head just enough for him to reach your lips and pressed it with his, you kissed not minding the other people around, just feeling the moment.



Life with Jungkook was something you're thankful for everyday.

He's the sweetest man, most romantic and loyal.

He would bring a bouquet of primroses every weekened representing the seven days he just spent with you, every night after a long day at work you would both eat dinner and talk nonsense, go to bed where he would make love with you.

Tonight you got home earlier than him, after cooking dinner you went up to your bedroom to have a quick bath and when you're finally done you covered yourself with the robe and exited the bathroom.

"Hi there hot thing."


To your surprise Jungkook was sitting on the bed in his robe, his hand was already on the knot of the robe and just as you laid your eyes on him he slowly undid it.

"I didn't hear you come i— ," you bit your lips unable to finish your sentence as Jungkook slowly stood up from the bed letting the robe part in the middle and allowing you to see a peek of his naked body underneath.

His chiseled chest and sculptured abs glistened from the droplets of water, he must have taken a bath in the other bathroom.

You held your breath as you saw his member standing proudly on his abdomen, he had put a ring around it making it redder, thicker and more ready to play.

He extended his hand, "come here."

And just like you were compelled by his beautiful eyes, your feet were automatically drawn towards him, your hand took his and he carefully laid you down on the bed.

Half of your body was flat on the mattress while your legs hang on the bed freely, you looked at Jungkook standing in front of you, enjoying the ethereal view of him, like a Greek God, he's flawlessly perfect for you.

"We haven't had our dinner yet," you tried to get out of the inevitable but Jungkook just shook his head smiling.

He knelt on the floor and placed both of his hands on your knees.

"I'll have my dinner now," he mumbled in such a dangerous low tone that made your center pulsate.

Jungkook push the fabric of the robe up and spread your legs apart. He looked at your exposed center for a few before he licked your left thigh going closer to where you needed him to be.

"You're so perfect," he whispered and you moaned in response, clenching your fists on the bedsheets, "Mmh," Jungkook sounded as he reached your core, licking your sex flat with his tongue.

V E S T I G E : JJKWhere stories live. Discover now