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Lunox with every pain that she has stood up. With no trouble or force, she took off the charm.

"Isn't this what you wanted before? For me to unchain you from this charm? There you have it," she said throwing it towards the demon. "You unchained it yourself."

"You want to know my name? It's not caterpillar, it's Lunox." She then take off her mask.

The demon felt like some concrete was stuck on his feet. He felt like he's been frozen in that sunny day.

"I was stupid to believe that you have feelings for me. It was really that foolish charm that was trying to connect us together. It was my destiny after all to be here, we were just helping ourselves find who we really are. We weren't in love, we were just driven by those charms."

Lunox finally gets it. She was order and chaos. To balance those two was her only duty. She was not to be in love but to understand love and so was hate and every other emotions.

"I refuse to take sides! Fight against my purpose and I shall make you sleep for eternity!" She yells to everyone.

"L-Lunox I—"

"Save it! I feel refreshed that my foolishness has worn off, don't you?" Lunox looked at the demon with a brow raised up. It seems like she's just full of hate towards Dyrroth now. "It was just that charm who longed for its match."

Lunox was about to go when Dyrroth held her hand. She shove it off and glares at him.

"So what do you think it is that I'm feeling right now? Whether with this charm on or off me, I still feel the same for you!" Dyrroth yelled and took off the damn charm. "Don't you realize, it's your so called mother that's playing tricks on us! Long before!"

"Well, I feel pity because I don't feel anything for you." Lunox then looked at everyone. "This foolish war is over!" She yelled.

"Lunox," Dyrroth called.

Lunox only stared at him and moments after, the wind started to circulate around Lunox. There was sparks of light and next thing they all knew, Lunox was again, gone.


"Your highness, the impostor and Alice's troupes had fled away," one messenger said.

Dyrroth felt like a lost soul just staring at Lunox's charm in his hand. He's so frustrated, no matter what he does it ends up hurting the one he loves.

The things Lunox told him earlier is killing him. "I didn't even get to heal her cuts," he groaned.


The door screeched open. Alucard walk towards his brother and tapped his shoulder. "Just give her time to think things through, my brother. I'm sure she'll come back soon."

Come back? Will she really?...

"I don't think so... Why are all my decisions wrong? Why do I always inflict pain towards her?" Dyrroth couldn't help but get emotional. He waited for centuries, just to hurt her again.

Alucard felt pain seeing his brother loathing his own self. He can't even do anything. What a useless king, he is.


Lunox who's riding with the wind sobs. If it was that charm then why does she feels this way again? The demon was right, having her lived as a human had made her heart foolish.

She didn't know that she was capable of doing this thing; to ride the wind. All she thought was that, she can make people fall asleep. It turns out that there's a lot of things she doesn't know about herself.

Where should I head to? I still don't feel like I'm... Lunox.


She Unchained The Demon : AgainWhere stories live. Discover now