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"Dyrroth! Where have you been?" Alucard asked as soon as he arrived home.

"Nowhere, all it matters is that I'm here to help now. Are we outnumbered?" He asked.

"What do you think of the situation outside? They will attack in no time again. This has been going on for days and Alice seemed to be so confident."

"Yeah, because she chained me up."

"What?" Alucard was surprised. "How on Abyss did she manage-"

"Where's Lunox?" Dyrroth asked, cutting off his brother.

"She's at her chamber. She feels horrible that she couldn't guard the little ones."

"Well, I'm off to see her and let's talk about war when I get back."

"Is she really-"

"Yes, she is. I was stupid to act so cold towards her." After saying that he went to Lunox's chamber.

He went to where she's at and back hugged her. She was surprised and turned to him.

"Where were you? I was worried." Vexana tried her best to sound like she was really worried. Ugh! This scene is disgusting, she thought.

If only Dyrroth's ability to read mind wasn't distorted then he would've known it wasn't her.

"I'm sorry. I should've believed it was really you." He feels really bad.

Vexana caressed the demon's face and smiles. "I worry no more for you all finally believes that it is I."

Dyrroth was about to kiss the fake Lunox when suddenly a guard barge in. "Sire, I apologize, but the kingdom is under attack again."

Dyrroth heavily sighed. "I'm sorry but I have to go for now. Stay here and I'll protect you at any cost."


Alice's eyes widened seeing the demon come out from the balcony. "What on this realm!"

Dyrroth looked at the dark queen from afar and smirked at her. The dark queen was filled with terror that she trembled.

"Scared, mother?"

Alice looked at where that voice came from and she saw her so called daughter. She felt relieved. "Karina! The demon escaped! What should we do?"

Lunox scoffed. What a mother, she could've asked how I was doing first, she thought.

"No need to put a damn about it. I'll take that goat down!"

Alice didn't seem to recognize her so called daughter anymore. How did she learn to speak that way? Alice thought. It's impossible that she had regained her memories yet still act on her side.

Lunox was ready to go inside that battlefield and reach that demon. She perhaps was more excited than ever.

It's time I surrender and know how we really feel...

Lunox was on her way to challenge that damn demon when suddenly she sees Vexana hugging her beloved. And the painful part was, he kissed her. That made her stop and stares for a while.

Dyrroth smiled at that imposter and he accidentally looked at the battle ground. There, he saw that lady who wears a mask. The one who stands out of everything in that ground.

He could see her taunting eyes behind her mask. Dyrroth scoffed and give his attention back to his beloved.

"I have an unfinished business to take care of," he told her.

"Is that her? You should end her." Vaxana hid an evil grin.

"I will. You watch and see."

"Who is that lady?" Miya asked with a frown. Alucard has the same question as well.

"Alice's daughter," Dyrroth answered. And hopped off the balcony to the battleground.

Every creature on the battle ground made space for the dangerous demon. They've known him and saw what he was capable of. It was really him they're most afraid of.

Creatures were at the side except for one brave lady who chinned up.

"I hope he'll notice before he hurts her bad," Karina murmured as she make her way to find her sister. Lunox told her one thing, if she changes, Karina should take care of the little ones for her.

"Are you really certain that you should do this, your highness?" Karina asked Lunox before they reach the Kingdom of Abyss. Lunox has been telling her about the time when she was inside the twilight orb.

"Yes, it's for me and him to finally find out if we really have feelings for each other. This is my way to truly unchain him. I hope it works." Lunox said and smiled. Karina couldn't say anything, she remained quiet after that.

What a stupid girl, she thought.


"My, my, looks like someone has chosen to die." Dyrroth smirked at her.

"As if I didn't choose that before. So what's up, demon? Having fun and living your dream title?" Lunox wasn't feeling a bit scared, rather she's filled with frustration and hate. How could this guy claim to love her yet finds someone that fast?

Dyrroth doesn't understand this lady but he sure is going to end her stupidness. "Before I kill you, tell me, what's your name?"

"You used to call me caterpillar."

Without further chitchat Lunox attacked him leaving a cut on his arm. She was sure it didn't hurt him much.

I can continuously hit him if he gets attacked with words first, Lunox thought.

"Not bad since I trained you. But you know it doesn't hurt."

Yes, he has powers but in this battle it's only right to just use blades on each other.

With no more time wasted, they battled with each other.

Alice has that amused look on her face. This was getting interesting, them fighting with each other is so pleasing. What a plot she created for them to turn them against each other. Imagine how the demon would feel knowing this time, he kills his beloved again.

The good side had a feeling that they'd actually win. But the queen elf, Miya felt sympathetic towards that girl. If she continues to fight then she might really die.

Lunox was now laid back against the ground with a sharp sword pointing at her. She has terrible cuts but it wasn't equal to the pain of seeing the one you love noticing not a single feeling of identity towards you. Instead of crying she smirked in hate and dismay.

"You're really not taking your life seriously, are you? I disgust you," Dyrroth told her.

"Disgust me?" She asked looking up at him. She sarcastically chuckles, "Oh I see... you're free now, you know. I've unchained you."

Dyrroth frowned. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Lunox took of her wrist band and there revealed her charm.

Everyone who knew what that charm stands for gasped. Dyrroth got a loose of his grip to his sword.


"Kill her!" The fake Lunox yelled.

Dyrroth was too confused to have heard that. He was shock but still tries to believe that this girl was not who he thinks she is.


She Unchained The Demon : AgainWhere stories live. Discover now