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The Kingdom of Abyss has been preparing for the return of their savior. Queen Miya of the Elves and Abyss had told everyone to feast. This was the moment they all have been waiting for. The return of the girl who saved their land. But it was different for Dyrroth ofcourse, for him, it was the return of the girl who unchained him.

Everyone was very busy for the event while Dyrroth had to pick up and see his beloved.

As he flies above, his charm bracelet was sending him energy. It is why he knows, she's home. Ahead, he saw a familiar one flapping its wings with lots of clocks around him.

Dyrroth stopped, it was Diggie!

"Digge!" He called and the owl stopped in front of him. "Where is Lunox?"

"Your Highness," he greeted and bowed. "She's inside the forest, safe and sound. Although I must warn you, she failed to retrieve and cherish her memories."

Dyrroth stopped for moments.

"I must see her," Dyrroth said.

"Introduce yourself to her slowly, my prince. I'm afraid I have to go back to realm of time now. Please, take good care of her." The owl didn't want to leave but, he has his studies to conduct and so he must.

"I thank you, Diggie, for taking care of her."

The owl throws one of his clock into the air, opening a portal. He bows to the prince of the Abyss and the King of the light one last time. Then he entered and thus vanished.

I hope you find what you seek, my friend, Dyrroth thought.

After that he continues to search for her looking down the forest. His heart, it is beating fast in excitement to see her again.

Then he spot a familiar blonde girl on a clear spot of the forest. That beautiful image, he could finally see again.

"Lunox!" He called as soon as he landed on the ground.

The lady he called stared at him, even slightly frown seeing an unfamiliar face. "Who are you?" She asked.

Dyrroth slowly walk towards her and stopped when they were few steps away from each other.

He didn't know where to start. If he should hug her immediately or if he should just... kiss her. He decided to take a few more steps to her but she frowned and steps back.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her voice cracking down.

She seemed scared of me now, he thought.

Just like the first time when she unchained him. This was her reaction, but the old Lunox was braver.

"It is I, it's the demon you set free a long time ago," Dyrroth told her. He couldn't resist himself anymore and hugged her.

Lunox who couldn't figure out who the man was, tried to push him back. But Dyrroth was stronger than her so she didn't try anymore. Instead, an unfamiliar feeling just creeped into her. That feeling made her voluntarily hugged him back.

As they hug each other, Lunox could see a figure in the woods. It was as if there's someone burning there.

The dark Queen Alice saw the second prince hugging the girl. She stared at them for a while and when the girl had saw her, she grinned devilishly.

It's time I use someone new as an ally, the dark queen thought to herself as she continues to stare.

"I will have my vengeance," she murmured and vanished with an evil laugh.


At the kingdom of Abyss, everyone was celebrating the homecoming of their savior. Yes, somehow Dyrroth had managed to earn Lunox's trust and brought her home.

Although Lunox forgot everyone, they never forgot her. Nana and Harith gave her some flowers. The assassins, Hayabusa and Hanabi greeted her. Vale and Harley together with his sister had bow to her. Then the king and queen with Cyclops on their side. And lastly, her sister, Ruby.

Ruby was one of the late princess' creation. Unlike, Lunox, she was less powerful but older so she had to take care of Lunox. By the princess' order, they hid away in the human world with their grandma.

Everyone seemed to be happy, except for Ruby who seemed off to see her sister.

"This is Ruby, your older sister," Dyrroth introduced Lunox to Ruby.

Lunox smiles so lovingly to her sister. She even held both of Ruby's hands and stares at her eye to eye. It only last for a couple of seconds until Lunox hugged her.

"I'm glad to see you. I failed to recognize all of you but I know you all meant something to me," she told Ruby as she rest her head on Ruby's shoulder.

Ruby didn't feel her sister at all. So, she broke the hug. "I'm happy to see you," she told Lunox. "I'm afraid I must excuse myself."

Ruby, walking out had Lunox sad and Dyrroth could see that. It was odd for Ruby to just do that when she said she's so excited to meet her sister.

"Don't worry," Dyrroth comforts Lunox and smiled. "Maybe Ruby is just a little sad because you couldn't remember her. If you wish to rest, I can show you your chamber."

Lunox look up to see Dyrroth's face and touched it. "I can't recognize you but I feel such strong feelings for you," she whispers and look at him in the eye.

Dyrroth took her hand and squeezed it lightly. "I promise you, this time, I'll protect you like how I should've before. I'm going to protect you, even if it takes my last breath away."After saying that, he kissed her hand to seal his promise.

Dyrroth thought this was their happy ending, but he was wrong.

As they hug, Lunox had stared again at the far side of the terrace. Again, she saw the black smoke and a smirk formed her mouth.

She Unchained The Demon : AgainWhere stories live. Discover now