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It has been days and Lylia is now living inside the castle of her mother's enemy. She is happy but there will always be someone she will miss and it is her beloved sister.

"Still hating your mother?" Harley asked, making his way to Lylia who was at the garden.

She shrugged. "I can hate her all I want but it would not bring Ka-I meant Lunox back." Then she looked down.

Harley sat besides her. "You know, it doesn't really matter if Lunox is not the same Lunox anymore. People change constantly and I think, she'll be back after she embrace the change."

"You think so," She looks at Harley with hopeful eyes.

"I'm sure of it," he said, smiling at her.

Harley and Lylia continues to talk without noticing any sudden change of how the wind blows. Lunox has been listening to both their talks.

Lunox smiled and stopped the wind from concealing her, finally controlling her powers. She was at the back of the two little ones.

"I see, you didn't just grow up, Harley. You've become wise too," she uttered.

Harley and Lylia looked back and gasped as soon as they saw her. She opened her arms wide and embrace them two. Only, the leonins showed up from behind a bush and hugged Lunox too.

"We missed you!" The four little ones cried. They continue their whines and sobs.

"Awe! Come on you guys! I'm sorry I wasn't good enough," she apologized.

The queen and king heard the cries and ran off at the garden with Vale. Their eyes widened seeing Lunox back.

Lunox saw them and smiled. She bowed and greeted them. "A wonderful evening".

"I'm so happy you returned," Miya ran towards Lunox and hugged her. "I was so worried about you."

"We're glad," said the king.

"Does this mean pancakes?" Vale asked, jokingly.

Ruby who just got back from looking for Lunox with Dyrroth heard people chattering from the garden.

"Hear those?" She asked Dyrroth.


Ruby gasped when she felt something-her sister! She rushed out of the castle and to the garden. She gasped when she sees Lunox with everyone.

"My sister!" She yelled and ran to hug Lunox.

"How did you get here? Oh! I miss you!" Lunox yells. "But wait! What about your boyfriend?"

"What's a boyfriend?" Harith asked Nana and she shrugged.

"Oh you know. He cheated and all that stuffs. But I am so happy to finally see you!" Ruby sure has some tears.

"I thought you never cared for me."

"I was secretly guarding you and guess what? It's Halloween," Ruby laughed.

Lunox wiped her own tears of joy and laughs with her sister. Only one shity goat was missing.


Dyrroth followed Ruby and stopped at the doorway. He saw the lady he has been missing. He didn't want to go out and ruin the reunion. He knows she'll go away if he shows up so he better not.

The demon flew away and into his chamber. In his room alone and in solitude is where he belongs, he thought. He doesn't even want to go to the heavens above.


"Looking for someone?" Hanabi asked Lunox. They were seated beside each other in the dinner table.

"I guess he's still busy," she replied with a sad face.

"He was with me earlier, looking for you," Ruby uttered, reaching for the food.

Lunox thought about it. Should she go and fetch him to eat? That's not how it should go! They're not in good terms she can't do that! But what if it only gets worse because she's holding back?

Everyone stared at Lunox who was clearly out somewhere in her thoughts. They laughed at her and she still didn't notice.

"Dear Lunox, would you mind if you go and invite his highness for dinner?" Miya asked with a smile on her face. Everyone knew that smile means she's making a move for something.

Lunox came back to her senses and looked confused. She heard it but it took a little while for her brain to comprehend it.

"Uh, sure your highness."

Lunox stood up and walk away from that room. She closed the door and finally couldn't hear their chitchats and giggles.

She sighed and slowly took step up the stairs.

"So what are you planning to tell him?"

"Are you nuts? Why'd you agree?"

*slaps her forehead continuously*

"Come on! Be brave Lunox! Act okay like what you did on that battleground!"

She honestly looks insane ascending up the stairs. Yelling and questioning herself what to do. This was really a bad idea to come back, she thought when she finally was on the aisle of doors.

The biggest door leads to the demon's room. When she finally was in front of it, she inhaled and then exhaled.

"Here goes nothing," she whispered and knock three times on the door.

She Unchained The Demon : Againजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें