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"Karina come on!" Lylia excitedly yell running towards the path to the Kingdom of Abyss.

"We're not supposed to get any closer to that Kingdom, Lylia! Mother said—"

"Who cares what mother says? She's not here!"

Karina can't do anything but follow her sister. Oh well, she has to keep them safe then. There's just nothing that'll stop Lylia.

"What are you doing?" She asked abruptly when she saw her sister whispering some spell.

"No!" She yelled and tried to stop Lylia. Too late because her sister already teleported to the other side of the kingdom walls.

"Lylia!" She yelled in frustration. Oh no! What has she done? Her mother warned her not to dare step closer to the castle yet...

Karina has no spell to teleport like that, all she can do was jump forward and flicker— Oh wait! Yes! She can flicker through walls!

"Okay! Here goes nothing!"


Harley was on his way to find a new hiding spot when suddenly out of nowhere a heavy thing just fell down on him.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" Lylia immediately stand up from sitting on Harley's back.

"You almost killed me!" Harley yelled sitting up from the ground. "Ugh! I think one of my ribs is broken!"

Lylia immediately let out a loud laugh. She can't believe she's inside the castle ground! She's bewildered by the wonderful lights. She has never seen quiet the boy like this one, she thought.

"Aren't you going to apologize?" Harley asked when Lylia was just staring at him with excitement.

He frowned.

"How on Abyss did you—"

"Can you show me around?" Lylia excitedly asked.

"Ofcourse not! Get out or I'll call the guards!" He yelled.

An angry face replaced the excitement Lylia felt. How rude of this little guy! She asked nicely when she can also be rude to him!

"I asked nicely!"

Harley scoffed.

"So what? You think you can come in just because you asked nicely?"

For a moment, Lylia's face softened, but it was for a moment. "Hmp!" She crossed her arms and look at the side.

"I'll tour myself then!" She yelled and stick her tongue out. In just seconds the playful dark princess disappeared.

Harley was surprised. That girl has magic, no wonder she fell from the sky. He has to find her!


Karina who was now at the other side of the wall steadied. She's not so good at flickering yet but she managed to get in. She was at a garden, which she find oddly beautiful.

The kingdom was indeed a healthy, much more lively and bright unlike theirs. This kingdom was full of light. "If only mother would put such bright bulbs instead of gloomy candles, our kingdom would've been like this," Karina whispers.

"It would've if a good queen was to be crowned"

Karina slightly flinched and turned back. Only to see no one and nothing but plants.

"Who's there?" She sturdily asked, both her hands ready to withdraw her blades.

"Why are you wearing that mask your highness? Such princess doesn't deserve such clothing as well" It spoked again.

Karina slowly looked at the bushes but no, nothing was in there.

"How do you know me?"

Her breath heaved when the roses moved and what seemed to be a rock kind of bush with a little flower on top appeared in the light. Karina's jaw dropped.

"I am Belerick and I bring no harm," he said.

He seemed worth my trust, she thought.

Karina let go of her blades' handle. "How do you know me?"

Belerick chuckled, "Do you know yourself, your highness?"

Do I?



She heard her clock alarming. Oh no! It's ten and she hasn't find that Lylia yet.

"I'm sorry but I have to go. My name's Karina," she told him and when she realized what she just said she covered her mouth. No one had to know her!

"It's alright your highness. I know who you are and if you wish to keep it a secret, then I will," Belerick said.

Karina surprised, thanked Belerick.

"But before you go, I'd like you to take this as a welcome gift." He gave her a flower. She was hesitating to take it but she did and fled off.

Running away from the garden and into some woods, she bumped into someone.

"Aw! Watch it!"

That voice! Karina thought. When she opened her eyes she was thankful it was Lylia. "You— We have to go! Now!" She was about to get angry but they have to escape first.

Lylia nodded and took Karina's hand. She whispered the teleportation spell. The light was showing up and they're almost gone when suddenly a hand gripped on Karina's wrist.

Surprised, she look at the side. A human, that has an amulet carved in his chest. She wanted to pull back but his grip was firm. She looked at Lylia, atleast one of them can escape. Karina let go of Lylia and boom her sister is safe.

"Who are you?" He asked.

Karina knows who this guy was. He is the King of the light and second prince of the Abyss.

"Let go of me!" She yelled and tried to shove his hand but it was no use.

"Why have you come here?" He asked another question.

"I came for my sister! She wandered off in your kingdom. I had to find her. Please, let go."

Dyrroth was looking straight at her eyes through the mask's holes. He doesn't trust her. She wears a cape and a hood with a mask on, she has the darkest hair, he thought.


They heard a female voice. That distracted the prince which gave her the opportunity to escape. She wrestle him, twisting his hand and boom throw the prince to the ground.

"Ugh," the prince groaned in pain from his wrist and back.

Karina felt pain as well. Maybe she wrestled in the wrong position. It was time for her escape. She immediately flickered through the wall and stumbled when she was out of balance.

"Karina!" Lylia yelled when she saw her sister. She immediately went and hugged her sister. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" she worriedly asked.

Karina chuckled and messed Lylia's hair. "That was fun. For now, let's go back to our kingdom before mother notices we're nowhere."


"Dyrroth! Are you okay?" Lunox worriedly asked when she saw him laying down.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay. The sky just looked different tonight," he told her and continued to gaze up.

What was that he felt?

She Unchained The Demon : AgainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin