Part I: Chapter 1 - The New Leader

Start from the beginning

"You alright?" Asked (Y/N)'s best friend, Teresa.

"Yeah, I'm just surprised."

"I'm sure you'll do great."

(Y/N) didn't reply but smiled nervously. She was too caught up in her thoughts to of who her partner could be.

"Jaira and I will be partners," said Caleb.

"Toad will be mine," said Misty.

"Teresa and I will be partners," said Alby.

The pairs kept on going.

Stella and Sunday.

Zart and Katie.

Minho and Harriet.

Clint and Jeff.

Trina and Mark.

Nick and Frank.

While everyone was picking out their partners, (Y/N) was wondering what she could do and how she could lead the class. She's been waiting so long for a chance like this. To prove herself to the class. It was finally given to her. But could she do it without-

"What about you Newt?" Asked Coach Janson.

The mention of Newt got (Y/N)'s ears to perk up. She looked back at where he was seated. (Y/N) was at the very front of the class. She and Newt were at the same column  but while she was at the first row, he was at the third.

It sunk into (Y/N) that partners were required in this dance. She needs one and Newt needs one. She wondered who Newt would pick. There were two sides conflicting in her. She wished that it would be her but she also didn't.


She wanted it to be her of course because she likes him. That will be really romantic.


But she thinks that she won't be able to focus that much on her job being the leader if her partner was Newt.


(Y/N) looked at Coach Janson. She didn't realize he was calling her. Probably to ask who she wanted as a partner.

"Yes? Sorry Coach."

"I wasn't the one calling you." Coach pointed at Newt.

"Yes Newt?" She looked at him.

"Can you be my partner for the dance?"

Newt's blue eyes were gazing on hers. His knee was bopping and he had an uncertain look in his eyes. He was nervous. (Y/N) agreed that this was nerve racking. He didn't know if she'll say yes or no.

The question repeated inside her head.

Can you be my partner for the dance?

She wondered if it was real. Did he really just ask her? Really? Her? Of all people in the class. Her?

(Y/N) had a quick glance of Teresa and Minho's faces. They were conveying the excitement that (Y/N) was too shocked to show. It gave her proof that it was all real and Newt did want her. The truth sinking in made her use all power not to squeal.

"Sure," she tried to say as calmly as possible.

When the words left her mouth, (Y/N) faced front and tried to hide her blushing face by burying her face in her notebook as she copies the names of the partners. They proceeded to pair the others. (Y/N) was trying so hard to hide the smile on her face.

She felt like she was on cloud nine. She kept on replaying when Newt asked her to be his partner. She still couldn't believe that it happened. Out of all the girls and boys in the room, he chose her!

This might be a sign.

He could like her right?

When (Y/N) was new in the school, she met Newt and was immediately smitten with him on the first day. She's had her fair share of crushes before but there was something different with Newt. He was also the first boy she's liked that she's been close with.

As the months passed, she wondered with his actions if maybe he liked her too. She doesn't want to assume but maybe... There's a chance.


Well, there was that one time but....

The bell rang just when they had the last pair.

"Class dismissed! Have a good Friday."

(Y/N) placed her things in her backpack. She went to Teresa's side and gripped her wrist. She's been holding in her emotions and they could burst any second. The two of them walked out of the classroom.

Can you be my partner for the dance?

Can you be my partner for the dance?

Can you be my partner for the dance?

Oh my gosh he asked her and she said yes.

"(Y/N)!" She heard her name being called. She knew that voice, Newt. Her heart began to beat louder.

Stay cool!

Teresa gave her a look and started to walk away to give her and Newt some privacy.

"Yeah?" She turned around.

Newt caught up to her. "I um want to thank you for letting me be your partner."

"It's nothing." I would've chosen you if I could anyway. "But it means that you'll be the assistant leader. You alright with that?"

"Yeah that's fine."

"Great," she smiled,"I guess I'll see you, partner."

Newt smiled. "See you too partner. Well, bye."


Newt then went to the other group of boys and walked alongside them. (Y/N) was left standing there, staring at him. She knew that the way she looks at him now was obvious. The way she's acting now would give her away. But she didn't care if the whole world knew how she felt about him. Sixteen years of living in this earth and this was the first time she liked someone this much. It was both scary and exciting. She's never been driven this much by her emotions before. No longer in control, she's helpless.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Sempiternal Memories (TMR: High School AU - Newt X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now