The chase

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No more than an hour ago the sky was painted with hues of red, orange and pink, but all colour had faded leaving only a matt black canvas with no stars to be looked upon

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No more than an hour ago the sky was painted with hues of red, orange and pink, but all colour had faded leaving only a matt black canvas with no stars to be looked upon. I waited for hours in the changing room till sundown. I couldn't risk burning myself.

I quickly made my way outside. The sky was dark and low, the air so chilled it hurt to breathe. Already the ground was laid white with frost and any water that had been liquid under the winter sun had become ice.

I head to my dorm when I feel someone is hiding in the shadows.

My feet slip outwards on the wet autumn leaves as I round the corner, the cold evening air shocking my throat and lungs as I inhale deeper, faster. With each footfall a jarring pain shoots ankle to knee, ankle to knee. My heart beats frantically, all or nothing.

but in the shadowy figure hand was a stake as they attempted to twist it in my guts when they got close. I have been running in a scattered way, run and hide, rinse repeat. Now my heart beats like it means to explode and my mind is a scattered mess.

I change my direction and head to the boys dormitory using my vamp speed.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead, exhausted. My long legs broke from beneath me and collapsed onto the floor.

I keep running but I know my time is up. Out of the corner of my eye I see something sharp and long coming towards me. I try to jump out of the way but it's too late. I scream giving away my position but the pain is unbearable. The attacker quickly runs away leaving a pool of crimson blood leaking through my stomach. They has missed the heart.

I looked like a leaking pipe but I had to keep running and made my way to Cams room knocking frantically at the door. Everyone was asleep. Fuck.

The door swinged open to a tired looking Cam. As soon as he saw my disheveled state he carried me in the room bridal style. (Yes I know cheesy)

"What the hell happened Luce" Cam says as concern flooded his face.

"I know what you hate me right now but I had nowhere else to go" I say my breathing hitched.

"I don't hate you. Never" he says examining my injuries.

Cam slowly goes into the bathroom which a wet towel and bandage.

"How did this happen" he asks cleaning my cut sadness washing over him.

"Someone is trying to kill me Cam" I say closing my eyes and crying.

"Is that why you came here before

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"Is that why you came here before. Luce I wished you told me sooner. I care about you for damn sake I can't stand it when you get hurt." Cam says holding me tightly.

"I'm sorry" I say.

"Don't apologise. I should be the one apologising. I've been such a dick" cam says staring into my eyes.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about Trevor. I didn't have a chance to tell you" I say sad.

"Let's not talk about that. What do you mean someone is trying to kill you" Cam questions his voice with hurt.

"They took my daylight ring. I've been in the sports building the whole day till sun down. Today my bathroom someone put a dead dear in the bathtub. There was blood everywhere. The mirror it said vampire slut. And I've been getting these notes. Like "I know what you are" and now someone was chasing me trying fucking kill me" I say the tears spilling further down my cheek.

"I'm going to find whoever did this luce do you understand. From now on you'll be with me. You're never leaving my sight. I swear to god when I find who did this they won't fucking breath." Cam says shouting.

Trevor was fast asleep slowly tossing and turning.

Cam finished cleaning my injuries and wrapped a bandage around me.

"You're going to stay with me for the night" cam demands.

"I'm not leaving you out of my sight for one second" cam says.

"But Trevor is here. I don't want to cause more problems" I say quietly.

His eyes showed a kind gentle concern as he laid his hand lightly on my face his eyes locking straight into mine.

"Listen to me. You will never ever be a problem for me. There's a spare empty bedroom on the floor above. It's Rolands he will be cool if I use it" Cam says smiling at me.

"Okay" I say quietly.

Cam heads into his closet taking out a oversized black T-shirt and hoodie. Handing it towards me and I take it gratefully.

"Let's go" he says locking his hand with mine.

"You don't have to stay with me if you don't want to." I say quickly glancing at the swirls in the marble floor and we quickly climb up the stairs.

"I will and am" cam says indefinitely pulling me closer towards him his hands on my waist.

I flinch slightly.

"Sorry" Cam says pulling away.

Cam opens the door revealing a plain white and grey room colour coordinated room. The king sized bed was made and it held the scent of a new home. A couch was also in the opposite with a blanket.

"I don't want to know why and how Roland has this room." I say chuckling.

Cam smirks.

"I don't question it but Roland can get pretty much anything. Connections and stuff" cam says smiling at me.

"Can you do me a favour Cam" I ask avoiding his gaze.

"Of course" he says smiling as he avoided touching me further when I flinched before.

" I just need my phone. Randy confiscated it on the first day. I need to talk to my mum" I murmur exhausted.

"Anything for you" Cam says sweetly.

I fall into the bed wrapping the blanket around me.

"I'll sleep on the couch" cam says walking away as removed his shirt and snuggled against the thin blanket taking the lights off.

I lie as if asleep until my side is painful and I must shift to my back or other side. The long minutes drag into even longer hours but I refuse to look at the clock. I couldn't sleep.

"Cam" I whisper.

"Yes" he says his voice so peaceful.

"Join me please" I beg.

"Okay" Cam says getting up and getting under the blanket of the other side of the bed. There was such a big distance between us and I knew he didn't want to make me feel overwhelmed.

I slept peacefully knowing he was near me.

I slept peacefully knowing he was near me

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