Dance with me?

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Luce POV

The stress spread through my mind like ink on paper. I took in deep, ragged breath before placing my hands, enclosed together, onto the table.

"Omg Luce stop stressing yourself out. You were amazing at Fencing. You literally beat Daniels and Mollys ass and literally regurgitated Romeo and Juliet in class. dance will be a piece of
Cake for you" penn says smirking.

"Thanks Penn. You're a great friend" I say grateful for her optimism.

"By the way what did happen to that cake?" Penn asks with curiosity glinting in her eyes.

I was mortified, frozen to the spot.

"Um it got burned" I say quickly avoiding Penns intense gaze.

Penn let out a cruel laughter that penetrated the room.

"Did someone get distracted. I need details spill" pen demanded her eyes pleading her hands begging.

"We're together again" I say quickly.

"YESSSS!!" Penn shouts leading us to receive odd glances around the class.

"Did you guys you know ..." pen says her lips curling into a devious grin. I loved her but damn. "Do the dirty" she whispers into my ears engulfing me into a embrace.

"Omg Penn you're too much sometimes" I say embarrassed.

"Nothing to be embarrassed by. But did you" she asks her voiced laced with demand.

"No" I whisper.

"Whyyyy?!?" Penn asks fustrated.

"Claim your territory. Mark it" Penn says grinning.

"I can't talk about this but he's an amazing kisser" I say my lips etched into a smile.

"Omgggg luce" penn says devilishly.

"Shush by the way. Theres a party Friday Roland is hosting. You're coming. You can bring Todd" I say smirking.

"Is that obvious" Penn says biting her lips anxious.

"So obvious" I reply glancing at both Todd and Penn. Their glances magnetic.

"Everyone silence. Today we shall be learning ballroom dancing and etiquette. Please find a partner." The dance instructor screeched.

"Sorry I'm late" a boy said quickly rushing into the room. "I couldn't find fucking the room" dropping his water bottle appearing frantic

Everyone's laughs at his entrance.

I quickly approach him picking up his bottle and register who it was. Trevor.

My eyes and mouth were frozen wide open in an expression of stunned surprise, and although I was staring straight at him he appeared unfazed.

He grins back and I can feel the excitement radiating out from him stronger than a hundred watt bulb.

My face stuck in an incredulous expression.

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