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Her name was Lucinda Price. She had chestnut brown hair with subtle highlights, nowhere near the point of being black. It lay on her shoulders like a waterfall flowing mildly; flaming as bright as a sunrise. The breeze blew through her curls, straightening them into waves that whipped about behind her. From under side bangs shone eyes the colour of a dazzling emerald green, which travelled uneasily from one person to another. No one couldn't help but notice that they glistened every time she moved them. They were the ones that seemed to draw you into a daze; not letting you go. Her eyes seemed to shine in the sunlight, but hide in the darkness. Below them is a nose so freckled that the brown splotches overlapped much like autumn leaves after harsh winds blew. Her smile was warm with a hint of shyness and her lips were like a frozen rose, dangerous but beautiful.

Her head lolled down to one shoulder casting her bobbed hair onto the faded The Frey t-shirt that was two sizes too big

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Her head lolled down to one shoulder casting her bobbed hair onto the faded The Frey t-shirt that was two sizes too big. It hung so low that her shorts only just peeked below the dirty hem, a fringe of denim cut-offs. With her eyes closed and earphones in she let the lyrics flood her like an early summer breeze. They weren't always upbeat, but they soothed her just the same.

Lucinda mother, Claire, had delicate cheek bones a small nose, luminescent blue eyes, creamy smooth skin, and silky blonde tresses.

Their beauty was inhuman. They were vampires.

"Lucinda darling don't stay in the sun to long, you'll get weak". Claire said tenderly. She glared at her daughter with concern.

"Don't worry mum, I have my day light ring on" Luce replies. Waving her hand showing the blue glistening diamond ring that sparkled in the sun.

"Fine sweetie. Come in I want to talk to you." Claire says agitated.

Luce eyes that held serenity was glinting with curiosity.

Luce walked briskly into the house.

"Yes?" luce said frustrated.

" Me and your father have business to attend with the vampire council in Romania so we are leaving tomorrow. But your not coming with us. We've decided to send you to a boarding school." Claire stated with sympathy in her voice.

Luce didn't complain. She was used to this. Protecting their secret was most important.

"Which boarding school?" Luce demanded her voice laced with exasperation.

"Sword and Cross" Claire replied quickly.

Luce knuckles turned white from clenching her fist too hard, she gritted her teeth, her hunched form exuded an animosity that was like acid - burning, slicing, potent. Her face was red with suppressed rage. However she remained silent.

"I can't go there mum. I'm dead. A vampire. I won't jeopardise our secret by going there." Luce replied.

"You'll be protected there. It's the most safest place. The shields they won't sense you" Claire said weakly defeated.

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