Chapter 10

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I dedicate this chapter to

Thank you so much for all the love you have this book :)
It means a lot !!!


I blindly stumbled towards a pine tree and collapsed agaisnt it. Slipping down on the ground, the cold wet soil , sipping through the fabric of my jeans, making me shiver.
The evenings were still cold, as winter had just said goodbye, leaving behind it's ghost chilled remnants.

I cried, barely able to muffle my sobs agaisnt my knees.

How can he...
It can't be real...
This cannot happen...

I sobbed and burried my head deeper into my knees, mind swirling with questions and dark thoughts.

How could he do this?
Why would he do this ??
Did no one else matter to him?
Didn't I matter to him?
Did he even think about me?

What am I going to do without him?

Edward is going to die...
Edward is going to die...
Edward is going to die.

The words flashing in my mind over and over again.

I don't know how long I laid there sobbing like the earth was coming to an end.
My heart beating painfully in my chest.

Stunned into silence, I looked blankly ahead. Frozen and motionless, temporarily emotionless as the hours dragged by slowly and I remained
un-moving, my tee shirt soaked & tear stained.

My phone kept ringing and ringing for hours until I finally decided to answer it.
It was Niall and Zayn.

"Lou! For God sake ! It's 7 pm! Where the hell are you??!"
Zayn screamed from the other hand.

At the sound of his voice,  I suddenly felt overwhelmed by emotions and started crying again.

"Lou.... what's happening? Why are you crying babe?"
His voice softened.

I heard some bickering between the two and then Niall's voice came in through the device.

"It's okay Lou... he didn't mean to yell at you. He was just worried. Where are you babe?"
Niall asked , voice calm and soothing .

I just kept on sobbing,  unable to stop anymore. It was like a dam had broken inside me.

It felt like Edward was already dead.
He was wasn't He?
That's what he told me.
He told me once that he only felt alive in his old life.
And this one wasn't worth living.
I should have known!
I should have known!

"Lou...? Please tell me you're okay!!
Where are you??"
Niall asked,  voice becoming more and more frantic.

"C-castle "
I managed to croak out, in a broken  voice, wiping my nose on my jacket.

"Wait for us. We're coming to get you, wh... "

My hand fell in my lap, too tired to keep the device up, and didn't hear what else he had to say.
I felt empty.

⏳Me Before Lou⌛ 🔞 (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now