Chapter 4

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Two weeks had passed ever since I started working for the Twist's and it seemed like we all fell into a routine.

A boring routine.

Every morning I would arrive at Coco House at eight am sharp, call out that I was there and then, after Liam had finished helping Edward dress for the day, I would listen carefully while he told me what I needed to know about Edward's meds - or, more importantly, his mood.

Because it seems like it was only getting worst day by day.

I learned a lot about Edward's condition.

Liam told me that Edward was doing a lot better than he used to, in the beginning, even though there's always the threat for his condition to worsen and him ending up having a heart attack.

It was like his life was hanging by a thread. . .

The most surprising information I had received might be the fact that Edward wasn't really paralysed !

I would have never guessed. . .

His limbs had movements in them but he couldn't move them, at least not more than a few inches.
He could feel things, but he didn't have enough muscle control to actually move properly.

I had to be very careful around him, since his skin was as fragile as a newborn's . If not more.

Liam told me to make sure that he didn't hurt himself. As he was already sitting in a chair all day, which made his limbs sore enough.
No matter how comfortable and high-tech his chair was, he was in constant pain.

Liam told me that it would be nice if I gave him a massage every once in a while, to release the tension and help with the soreness.

But not to go further than applying soft pressure on his body, as he bruised like a peach.

And that he will personally teach me how to give Edward a proper massage on his free days. He needed to be there to monitor my every moves for Edward's safety.

The only thing was, that let alone touching him , Edward couldn't even stand my presence around him. So I stayed away from touching him more than needed.
Even though I felt sorry for him and wished I could help him alleviate his pain.

Liam also told me that Edward had been treated by the best doctors in the world. That they moved him around across the globe in search for better treatments and therapy.
And that, the fact that he was still alive today and in this condition was nothing less but a true miracle.

I learned that Liam was a physiotherapist and that he was one of the best in his field.
Even though Liam didn't exactly say those words , it was obvious he was great at his job.

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