Chapter 6

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Hello everyone!!
Hope you are liking the story so far?

I just wanted to tell you that I will be updating every 5 days.
Sometimes the updates will come sooner , even within 2 days.

But 5 days is a set time.
I take a 1 day break between each chapters.
And I usually take 3 days to write a chapter, since they're pretty long, each around 10 000 words minimum.
I also search for multi-medias and sometimes have to make my own manips.
And then I take 1 day to proof read everything.
Takes some times to get it done.

This one took more time than usual because it's really long.
12 000 words. And wattpad kept bugging the whole time, deleting everything I wrote :(

I dedicate this one to MissWriter13
Thank you for being one of my first readers. And your support :)))
It means the world to me !



The snow came in very suddenly.
I had left home under a bright blue sky and not even half an hour later, I was headed past a castle that looked like a cake decoration, surrounded by a layer of thick white icing.

I walked up the drive way, my footsteps muffled and my toes already going numb, shivering under my thin jumper

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I walked up the drive way, my footsteps muffled and my toes already going numb, shivering under my thin jumper.

A whirl of thick white flakes
emerged from an iron-grey infinity, almost obscuring Kiwi castle, blotting out sound, and slowing the world to an unnatural pace.

Beyond the neatly trimmed hedge, cars drove past with a newfound caution, pedestrians slipped and squealed on the pavements.

I would never admit to it, but I did fall a few times on my here as well.

never happened.

The winds raced gingerly, along the snow covered ground, raising miniature snow storms, that danced and played on the barren branches of the high trees of the forest.

I watched the flowers in the private gardens of Coco House shrivel softly into themselves before some of them crumpled to the ground, waiting for spring to bloom back to life.

I wonder what it was about flowers that mesmerized us so much?

Was it the petals that enticed us?
With their vibrant appearance that captured our attention.

Was it their stems that appealed to us?
How they were compelled to remain grounded until we deemed them worthy enough to come home with us.

⏳Me Before Lou⌛ 🔞 (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now