Chapter 5

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I dedicate this chapter to fireproof_hazza. You inspired me to finish this one as fast as I could :)
Thank you for your support and love!



Harry's POV:

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Harry's POV:

Each day can be a burden,
each hour can be an overload,
for every breath that I take leads down to the darkest road.

Pain can be worn as an armor and held up as a tarnished shield
by building walls ,
so nothing is ever revealed.

The nighttime used to be a sanctuary, filled with dreams , and happiness.
Sleeping in the arms of a loved one, keeping fear at bay.
But now it's the time the demons break free, loose from hell and ready to haunt me.

Turning my life into their own personal hell.
I am the playground of all evil.
My heart and soul mere puppets in their play.
Tossed and thrown here and there, never to find peace again.

I cower underneath the covers, heart going faster than a million miles an hour, trying to catch my breath some way, somehow.
Drowning under a sea of my own sweat, paralysed, awaiting the next day, to finally break me free from this agony.

I lie frozen,
while the world still turns.

My heart has been a burning ember pumping fiery ashes through my veins, building barriers between me and the rest of the world, behind a wall of smoke and flame.

Trapped inside a sinking boat, running out of time.

But we all have choices.
There's always a... choice.

I have long chosen my fate.
There's no way to change the rolling tide now.
I have decided to be set free.
Free of this trauma.
Free like the birds tattooed on my chest.
Out of this hell.
This golden cage I built and enclosed myself in.
Out of this trap. This misery.
And soon, the burden I've carried for so long,
will be the ashes that float away.
All gone.
Vanishing in the atmosphere.

⏳Me Before Lou⌛ 🔞 (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now