then he walked inside. 

Sam and i followed him. 

Then we spread around. 

I was standing in front of the basement door. I do not wanna go down there. but i have to but i don't want to but i have to. 

Then i opened the door and slowly walked downstairs. 

I looked for the light switch but it didn't turn on.

Then i took a flashlight out and turned it on, shining around. 

Everything was normal down here. 

Suddenly i saw blood behind a chair. 

I kicked the chair away and my jaw dropped shocked. 

Two dead bodies were lying there. 

I turned around and suddenly got hit in the face.

Everything went black. 


I groaned annoyed and opened my eyes. 

Sydney was standing there with a riffle in her hands. 

I was on the ground, tied against a wooden post. Dean was tied to another one that was on the other end of the room. Sam was in the middle of us tied to a chair. 

Sydney "oh, thank god. I thought you were dead. I can't believe that i bagged all three of you"

I looked at Dean who looked at me.

He mouthed, worried "you okay?"

I nodded. 

Sam spoke to Dean and me  "yeah, so, it's uh, Sydney, the killer babysitter. Not the mom"

I shot him a look "oh yeah? what gave it away?"

Sam to Sydney "so, what's the plan? you gonna hack us up like the others?"

Sydney "that's in the past. The three of you are an offering to my new friend"

Dean "Let me guess. Is your new bestie  Amara"

Sydney "you know her?"

Dean nodded, chuckling "Yeah, we're tight. How did you two meet?"

Sydney "couple nights ago, i got pretty sloshed. Have you guys ever seen the iced tea commercial, where the lady is lying on the inflatable raft and she's just drifting along a sparkling pool? That's what it was like. Being with Amara . Bliss. No hurting, no sadness, no memories. "

Sam "you don't want memories?"

Sydney "did you have nice parents, Sam? Because my folks treated me and my sister like human ashtrays. "

She lifted her shirt up and there were burn marks from cigarettes "i used to have to drink myself blind to even look at these, let alone show anybody.And now, i don't know what Amara did to me,  but it's just skin"

Sam "right, well, that's really good for you"

Sydney "no more waking up screaming form nightmares, no more flashbacks. Amara took away the pain. she lightened something in me. "

Dean "Except now you're an ax - murderer"

Sydney "i am free. Before, there was always this constant voice in my head, "you can't do that, it's wrong. What if you get caught?" and now it is quiet. It is just me and what i want"

Dean glanced over to me and saw that i was focusing on opening my ties. 

Sydney "and when you can do whatever you want, you don't have to get caught. And then you can really fly. "

Being Alive ( D.W)Where stories live. Discover now