Chapter 23: Mend

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The next couple of days were rough. I had to go to school all by myself. Sure, I had Richie and Jake, but no one else really wanted to talk to me. Why would anyone wanna talk to the person who hurt probably the nicest person in school? I mean, I would do the same thing.

It didn't help that Mickie was continuing to pester. I would get spit on or punched in the face by either him or the rest of his gang.

Lunch was probably the loneliest. I was the person in those chick flicks who would eat in the bathroom. The only thing that keeps me company there are my fluffernutter sandwich and my phanfictions. Like a loner.

Sometimes I wonder why I couldn't have just been honest with Christine in the first place? I mean, I thought I loved her. I did at some point. But there came a time in our relationship, where I looked past her cute smile and her adorable laugh and genuine care for others, that there was really nothing there personally for me. She would be great for someone else, don't get me wrong! It just, with Michael, I feel like I don't have to try hard to make him happy. I can smile and he'd blush like a maniac.

My dad gave me his old car instead of trading it in for a new one, so every day after school, I'd go and see Michael in the hospital. They still wanted to run a few tests to make sure nothing was permanently broken. I'd bring some kind of food with me, do my homework, and watch some movies with him. It was nice.

Like paradise from my reality.

I don't think many people can say that about a hospital.


A couple days of this routine passed by, and I decided it was time for me to confront Christine. I mean, we had to actually talk about this at some point, right?

At lunch, I tap her shoulder. Everyone who sat there: Rich, Jake, Jenna, Brooke, and Chloe, all looked at me.

Besides her.

"What do you want, Jeremy?" She spat.

"I think we need to talk. As adults. Just you and me. Is that alright?"

I think my lack of stuttering surprised her. I'm typically very nervous around her, even when we were dating. She turns to me, stands, and asks, "Okay, do you wanna go somewhere private?"

I nod and lead her out of the cafeteria, near me and Michael's lockers. I feel the glare of Mickie's green eyes weigh me down as I leave with her.

"Christine, look. I-I know what I did was a terrible thing, but I didn't want it to go down like that."

"Oh?" she started. "Oh really? Please. Explain further how you were planning to break up with me? Because this is DEFINITELY a conversation I want to be having." She had every right to be mad. I understood it completely. I would've been too.

"I just need to know," I say, ignoring what she said, "Why did you get Mickie to beat Michael up? Why not me, if you were gonna do it anyway?"

She scoffs. "You really don't know me at all, do you?"

I show her receipts from when she texted Michael, and she frantically runs to his locker, going to open it. When she does, she quickly moves to the side as an.... An entire pie crust full of whipped cream jumps out.

Yeah, that's more Christine than physical abuse. "I don't like hurting people, Jeremy. But that doesn't mean I won't be mad. Even I thought I went overboard with this."

I stutter, trying to manage to say something. "Look, Jeremy. I know it looked bad. Honestly, I don't really care anymore. Our relationship was short lived and I'm with someone else now. I just want us to be happy. I'm never going to forgive you for hurting me, but I would sure like to at least get past it for now."

I sighed. I didn't really know what to say to her. The girl I had a crush on since the seventh grade. I hurt her. I ran into her, hugging her.

I sighed a breath of relief when she fell into it and I felt a small smile form from where she was resting her head on my shoulder. "You're a good friend, Jeremy. And an amazing actor and singer. I just want to be friends." I hug her tighter.

For now, everything was okay.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I can't wait to do more chapters and give you guys more Q&A!!

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