Chapter 25: The Party Pt. 1

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TW: Vaping


I didn't tell Jeremy about the incident with Mickie the next day. It was an extended weekend and the only regulation was that we HAVE to have fun. Not only would the situation sadden him, but he would also become more anxious for my safety.

Besides, what was I supposed to say?

"Oh hey by the way you remember the guy who beat me to a pulp? Yeah he made me question my entire relationship with you." Like what the fuck?!

Of course the thought still lingered. What if this was a mistake? What if I did just steal Chrsitine's boyfriend? What we did was honestly unfair to her and made her feel like complete shit. Even if she wasn't up to it and she completely forgives us, it still wasn't right and there's nothing that can change that. Even with that, he was so quick to change from being with Christine to being with me. What if he finds another guy who's much hotter and much cooler and doesn't get stoned and-

"Hey, you alright?" His voice shot through my body like a spike of ice. I guess he realized I was spiraling or I was spacing or whatever the hell I was doing. He was half-looking at me, trying to focus on the road as well. I nod and make a silent "mhmm" sound, trying to reassure him. I still didn't know how to feel about this, but this wasn't the time to think about it.

Brooke was having a party at her house for all the theatre kids for the extended break. I'm going to have fun. I've been cooped up in a small little sterile room for a week and I'm finally getting out. DON'T FUCK THIS NIGHT UP!!

We stop at my house so I can shower and get into some appropriate "not-bloody" clothes, as Jeremy so bluntly put it. I put on a red and white button-down with some jeans. When I walk out to Jeremy's car, where he's waiting for me, he looks at me and blushes, where I return it with a rush of blood to my own cheeks.

"Hello, handsome," he smirked, kissing my cheek.

I flinch at the connection, but I brush it off, saying that it was just from the lack of it at the hospital. Right... just not used to it yet.

I take a hit from my vape pen I promised Chloe I'd bring. I mean, you gotta do what you gotta do for the sake of the party.

"You know, that shit kills you."

I laugh. "You don't know the first thing about smoking or vaping."

"I'm sure I know enough." He gets into the driver's seat as I hop into the passenger's.

As long as I pretend things are alright, nothing will happen... right?


By the time we get to Brooke's it was dark, since she lives on the opposite side of town. The drive itself was pretty silent, but I was in my own thoughts anyway so any conversation would've been small talk. My mind has been racing on the idea of Christine and how we- how I made her feel. They were a good couple, no question about it. Neither of them were unhappy, at least from what I saw. I ruined that. I did that to them- to her.

When I got out of the car, Jeremy raced to close the door for me, giving one of his calming smiles. It only made me more anxious. He tried to touch me but I flinched. He looked at me but I smiled hesitantly, just blaming it on the hospital visit... again.

"You sure you wanna be here? I know you probably should have some time to rest and get back used to being out of the hospital..."

"Please! I've handled shit like this before. I can handle a little party."

We went up to the door, standing a small distance apart. When Jeremy rang the doorbell, it was immediately answered by Jenna and Christine, Christine holding a red solo cup. "Hey boys! Ready to celebrate?" Jenna smirked.

"Sure are!" Jeremy exclaimed as he was pulled in by Jenna.

Soon enough, Jenna and Jer got so caught up in conversation, they completely forgot about their respective partners. I quickly put my hands in my pockets while Christine was trying to make some sort of contact.

Not a moment passed where I felt my face get slapped.

Christine had moved closer and hit me square in the face with her open hand. It didn't hurt, but I felt the power and anguish in the hit. She may not have been part of the attack, but she sure as hell wasn't happy. "I can't say I'm mad at you for doing that," I said as I tried to regain my balance and rubbed my cheek.

"Y-You deserve it, ya'know." She muttered, looking at the ground and holding herself close.

I wrapped my arms around her. I never meant to hurt her. I didn't think about any consequences to my actions. I should've. Christine is one of my closest friends and I hurt her so terribly. How could I be so stupid to do such a thing?

She held me back, "I know you always loved him. I could feel that my time with him was short. I wasn't so tied down to the relationship because of how frivolous it was. The way he looks at you isn't the way he looks at anyone else. Not even me." She chuckled. "I'm sorry for slapping you."

I smiled a little. "No no, we both deserved it. We... I hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you so badly or even at all. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry. Truly."

She sighed and pondered. I don't think she expected me to be so forgiving. After all, she's being so forgiving about all of this happening. Christine finally spoke, "It's nothing like what my brother did to you."

A hitch occurred in my breath. I had completely forgotten about the interaction in the bathroom... in the hospital... oh God did she know about him seeing me in the hospital?

"Yeah... that shit hurt real bad Chris..." was all I could say. I didn't know what else to say.

Christine held me tighter and started to stutter. "I-I never wanted an-nyone to h-h-hurt you.."

I smiled and sighed, brushing her hair "It's okay. I believe you. It's fine, it's not your fault at all."

She slowly pushed away from me and nodded, trying to smile through her tears. Christine has been nothing but kind and accepting to me, and even when I hurt her, she's more worried about me than her heart. She is one of my best friends and I'll always love her in that sense. I smile back at her, wiping her tears away. "Let's refill that cup, huh?" She nods and we go inside.


HEY GUYS! Sorry this took so long but I want this to be perfect so I'm gonna put it into two parts. Part two is going to be fluffy hand happy stuff (FINALLY) so be excited about that. I think Mickie is the next one for Q&A so I'll have that up soon (not today) but yeah I hope you all loved that as much as I.

I did see a comment or two about how Jeremy cheated on Christine and how it was just kind of brushed over. I do want to say out loud that CHEATING IS NOT OKAY!! It's not! If you really want to cheat on someone, break up with them (unless there are circumstances where you can't get out of the relationship and stuff), but there is so much to unpack there and if you want to have a full conversation with me on the subject I'd be so happy. You guys also have to remember I made this my freshman year of high school, I was barely in a "relationship" and I just shipped because that was how my thirteen-year-old mind thought. Emotions and stuff didn't really rattle my brain until I got into high school and figured out what emotions ARE. I do want to address this because I feel like I didn't really go heavy on the subject and I should have because cheating is BAD. BAD BAD BAD BAD.

I hope you all have lovely days! Love you all!


I'd Pause My Game For You (Michael x Jeremy BMC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat