Chapter 19: Dreams

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     Everyone had sung "Happy Birthday" to me as I blew out the candles. I smile to everyone, but mainly my best friend, Jeremy. We had become friends almost a year ago, but it feels like forever! We were already the best of friends who told each other every single secret that we had kept.

     Suddenly I felt a large hand cup my shoulder. I looked up, seeing my father's smiling face. "So, buddy. What did you wish for this year?"

     I laughed loudly, "I can't tell you that, dad! It's a secret! If I tell you, it won't come true." I smirked, thinking I stumped him.

     He sighed in defeat, then beginning to chuckle. "I guess you're right."

     His face... why can't I remember it?

     I looked over to my friend, who already knew my secret. He's the exception to the rule. We tell each other everything! And why wouldn't we? I trust him with my life, and he trusts me with his.

     We giggled as we knew what the wish was.


     We have been planning our "Super-Special-Birthday-Sleepover" for weeks and the night had finally arrived. Jeremy hasn't slept over my house yet, so when he was told he could from his parents, we began freaking out.

     After my mom and dad set up our "fortress" in the basement, we do not hesitate to turn on the Nintendo and start to choose what game to play. My best friend pulls out a new game, not even out of the plastic wrapping. He reads the title aloud.

     "Apocalypse of the Damned? What's this?"

     I glow with joy, hoping that he would find it. "Yeah! It's a new game that just came out awhile ago! I think it's about zombies or something..."

     We agree to play the new game, sitting down and placing it in the console. The title screen quickly pops up. It has me choose between a "One-Player" or a "Two-Player" game. I press the "Two-Player" option, and we begin to choose our avatars.


    Later that night, Jeremy tells me he will be right back. I nod and wait patiently for him. When he comes back down, he is holding a box wrapped in multicolored paper. I smile so wide I can feel my face ripping off. Jeremy's face becomes a bright red as he plops the present between us.

     We sit down, and as I begin to violently open the box, he places a hand on mine. I look up, my cheeks heating up. He looks away, intertwining his fingers with mine.

     He, nor I, knew what was happening...

     "Listen, I got you this because I know it's your dream to mix music. So.. these can help you listen to music better." He looks back at me, giving a shy smile.

     With his statement filling me with excitement, I let go of his hand and tear off the paper, to reveal a set of headphones. They are completely white, with a slim, adjustable, plastic band to go around my head, with big, cushiony mufflers for my ears.

     "These are the ones we saw in the store, Jer!" I look up at him, hugging the gift. "Y-You remembered?"

     He rubbed the back of his neck, looking down. "Of course! You're my best friend... Happy birthday..."

     I topple him with pure joy. We giggle and laugh. "THANK YOU SO MUCH, JEREMY! I WILL FOREVER BE IN YOUR DEBT!!"

     He looked up at me, smiling. He began to calm down as he spoke, gleaming, "Good. But now, you need to Wake up!"

     I tilted my head, confused. "H-Huh?"

     "Wake up!"

     My eyes shot up and I sat, feeling instant pain all over my body. I lay back down in what seems to be a bed. I shut my eyes tight from the pain emerging from every corner of my body.

     Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice, "MICHAEL!" He hugs me gently, making sure not to break me.

     I hug him back, feeling only safe in his arms. My eyes dart to Jeremy's figure. We look back to each other. His face has lines of tears streaming down his face, making my vision blurry with tears of my own. He cupped his hand in my head, wiping my face clean with his thumb.

     His smile dropped, looking over my body and realizing why I'm in the situation I'm in. "Where am I?" I ask, curiosity overflowing my body.

      He sighs, "When Rich found you, he brought you to the nurse, but your wounds were too severe, so they brought you to the hospital..."

     Trying to crack a joke, I mutter, "No wonder the bed is so uncomfortable..."

     It works, only for a moment, however. Hearing Jeremy's chuckle makes me feel a lot better about my situation. He kisses the top of my forehead, regaining seriousness.

     "Michael," He started, us looking into each other's eyes. "Who did this to you?"


Should he tell Jeremy...


OR NAH!! (That was a stretch imma go now biiii)

I'd Pause My Game For You (Michael x Jeremy BMC)Where stories live. Discover now