[]+[]Chapter Eight[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Eight[]+[]

An icy blast of wind greeted the young winter spirit as he entered the North Pole, but he dismissed it. After leaving Elsa behind, he was in a dreadful mood. Slowly, he descended to the snow covered ground and started to walk in the fresh snow.

Then, the workshop came into view in all it's wonderful glory. However, he couldn't care less at the moment. Storming in bringing immense cold, he pushed past a yeti and into his room. Groaning, he plopped down on his bed. North was slightly concerned, but only figured he would be fine.

Meanwhile in Arendelle, ice crept up the walls like ivy as Elsa lost her control. Lately, she couldn't keep it in at all. A faint disturbance erupted in the back of her mind, but she figured it was only a memory. Indeed, it was a memory. Her memory of Jack Frost.

Walking over to her bedside table, she picked up a miniature framed painting that had been laying face-down on the table. Her parents smiling faces stared back at her. Tears stung her eyes as they pooled, threatening to overflow.

Unable to stand seeing her parents anymore, she slammed it down, icing it over slightly. Sadness drilled into her heart, attempting to vanquish her happiness, which was very little. However, she shook it off and turned away from the table.

"Monster." murmured Elsa as she stared down at her gloved hands. Then, closing her eyes, she repeated, "Monster." Power burned inside of her before it started to be released. Thankfully, she snapped out of it and stood shocked. What if she had let it go?

Anna, whom had finally decided that her sister wasn't ever coming out, ran through the halls. She was a very energetic young lady and was quite free spirited. As she ran past a small table with a porcelain vase, it toppled over and shattered onto the floor. Seeing this, she walked back slowly as pushed the pieces under the woven carpet. Whistling as if nothing happened, she snuck away.

Everything seemed to be falling apart, for Anna, literally. Losing control for Elsa and lost memories of an old friend, and sadness for Jack and the feeling of a best friend. One could only hope that whatever happened was for the best. Which was normally the case.

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