[]+[]Chapter Thirty[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Thirty[]+[]

After a while of playing with snow, Elsa felt her stomach turn. "Jack...I'll be right back..." She said softly before racing inside. Jack let out a soft sigh and called the wind so he could explore the kingdom a bit. While he was flying, Elsa was busy expelling vomit into a bucket, feeling very ill. Of course, this was all due to the oncoming child.

Once she finished, she decided to take a bath to calm down. She ran the water and sunk in after stripping from her dress. Warm water rolled over her pale body and she let out a relieved sigh. It had been a while since she was alone to do whatever she pleased. Jack seemed to always hang around, even with his guardian duties.

Meanwhile, Jack noticed a lonesome kid, and deciding to have some fun, smirked mischievously, he landed on the ground and scooped up some snow, which he made, and threw it at a kid with dark brown hair and green eyes. The boy gasped in surprise and looked around frantically for the culprit. Jack let out a laugh after throwing another ball of snow at the now confused boy.

"W-Who's throwing snowballs at me?" The boy asked right before he turned to see Jack, balancing on the curved "G" of his staff. His green eyes widened in shock. "Jack Frost..." He murmured, which made Jack grin. It seemed that kids did, in fact, know who he was. "That's right, kiddo!" Jack cheered as he jumped down from his perch.

Bending down to the kid, ruffling his hair, he asked, "So, what's your name?" The boy stuttered out in response, "A-Alan M-Myers..." Jack grinned at the kid named Alan. "Nice to meet you then, Myers." He teased him. Alan still seemed a bit shocked by the fact of seeing a person only alive in fairy tales.

"So you are real!" Alan exclaimed. A chuckle escaped the spirit's pale chapped lips. "Of course I am! Who do you think brings the cool weather?" Both laughed but Jack stopped when the young boy ran to hug him. He still wasn't quite accustomed to being hugged by small children, or anyone really, since he didn't think many believed in him.

Soon, about half an hour later, Jack bid a farewell to Alan and ran off into the wind. Elsa was already getting out of her tub, though she was only wearing a towel as she laid on her well made bed. When Jack flew in, she screamed. "Jackson! You don't just fly in!" His face was a bright red, staring at her, which seemed to make her even more embarrassed. "JACK!" She yelled, making him turn around quickly and murmur a quick, "Yes m'mam."

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