[]+[]Chapter Two[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Two[]+[]

After the two had stared at each other in what seemed to be never ending silence, the young girl finally spoke. "So...you have the curse too?" No doubt, Jack was surprised that she called what he called a gift, a curse. "A curse? What do you mean by curse?" He asked her, looking at her icy blue eyes.

"My papa told me that it was a curse..." as Elsa said this, anger fumed inside of him. Her father told her that having this amazing ability, was a curse? "Well, don't listen to him, listen to me." said the spirit as if commanding her. The little princess was confused by this. Listen to a man who she doesn't even know very well or her father?

"No. I trust my papa!" Jack let out a sigh of frosty air. There was no way he was going to convince her otherwise. "Fine. Just know this, I know more about your powers than he does." He said, telling the truth. Elsa stayed silent for a moment before saying, "What do you know then?" This caused him to smile.

The young spirit loved to talk about his powers and the way he brings winter to the world. Occasionally annoying the Easter Bunny, whom he calls the Easter Kangaroo. "I know a lot! But how about we start with something...simple." Young Elsa nodded in excitement.

That was when it all started. After a while of talking and playing, the two became friends. Then, it was time for the lights to go out in the castle and the young princess to sleep. Jack tucked her into bed gently, making sure she was warm enough. As he turned to leave, he felt a tug on the cuff of his sweatshirt. "Jack? Read me a story please." Elsa said softly.

Letting out a soft chuckle, he walked over to her bookshelf and pulled out an old book with curvy handwriting on the front. Of course, it had caught his attention. The silver snowflake on the cover seemed to shimmer in the dim light streaming in from the window. The title read, "Jack Frost" which of course, surprised him.

He walked back over to her bed and took a seat on the edge. "Okay, so, here we go." Jack was quite curious about the book which he knew nothing about. Who had written this? As he started to read, he was befuddled. This was not him at all, he would never make avalanches just for fun.

Soon, the story was halfway over, so he glanced over to see a sleeping little child. A faint smile appeared on his face as he looked at her breathing softly. Placing the book down and standing up, he leaned over her before ruffling her hair. "Goodnight kiddo." Jack said softly as he turned away from her sleeping figure.

He thought about leaving until she woke up, but he wasn't sure when he'd get back. If he ever did. So, he sat down and leaned against her bed frame. It wasn't very comfortable, but he just felt like he couldn't leave her alone. It wasn't long until he felt drowsy and fell asleep.

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