[]+[]Chapter Fourteen[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Fourteen[]+[]

When the run away Queen reached the North Mountain, thoughts ran through her head as if having a race to see which could confuse her fastest. Frosted air was let out as he held her hands to her chest. Everyone now knew of her powers. Of her curse. The one she had been trying to hide for years.

"I'm so sorry Mother and Father...I couldn't conceal it. I disobeyed you. I can't do this. Heaven knows I tried." Faint words left her mouth as she continued to walk up the mountain with her long cape dragging behind her. "You always told me to be a good girl, not let anyone see, or know." She said as she waved her finger as if scolding someone.

"Conceal, don't feel, don't let it show...well guess what? Now they know!" Elsa shouted as she ripped off her last remaining glove and threw it into the bellowing winds, which quickly swept it away. If anyone had dared to venture up the mountain at this time, surely they would think the Queen was crazy.

Smiling slightly at her now free hands, she swept her hands to her side which caused wind to blow and move snow in waves. "Let it go...let it go...this is so much better!" She did it again on the other side. Then, she twirled her hand and made a snowman like her sister and her used to make as children. "I don't care what they're going to say! The cold never bothered me anyway!" With that, she unhinged her long cape, letting it blow away as well.

Jack, who was nearby since he was flying after Elsa, was startled by a piece of flowing fabric, also known as Elsa's cape. "What the-" he didn't get the chance to finish since it hit him and wrapped around him, bringing him to the ground. Elsa was much too caught up in letting her powers out that she didn't even notice.

Soon, Elsa came to a large canyon that was in her way. Feeling confident for once with her powers, she pushed her hands outward and created frosty stairs. Cautiously stepping on the first step for she didn't know if it was stable, she grinned when it froze over so she could step on it.

Raising her hands to her side, she began to run up the steps, not slipping one bit. "I am one with the wind and sky! You'll never see me cry!" She shouted as she ran. As she reached the other side, snow exploded around her and she ran a little bit away from it. She picked up the edge of her dress and stomped her foot on the ground which made a giant snowflake around her. "Here I stand, and here I'll stay...let the storm rage on!" Bending down and bringing her hands up, the ground rumbled and walls of ice started to expand from the massive snowflake, which rose.

It wasn't long before a magnificent castle of ice glimmered in the setting sunlight. After making a chandelier out of ice and decorating the walls, she began to let ice crept up her dress. Now, a dress of blue ice had replaced her old one and an icy cape trailed behind her as she walked towards the balcony. Pulling her hair out from its fancy bun, it fell down into a messy braid, until she brushed back some of her bangs.

The click of her ice heels echoed in the icy palace as she pushed the doors open. "Here I stand in the light of day! Let the storm rage on-!" She yelled out into the frozen air of the North Mountain. "The cold never bothered me anyway." Then she slammed the doors and turned around, walking away from the door. She was finally free from everything. Or so she thought.

The young spirit finally managed to escape from the cape that had encased him just in time to see Elsa on slam the door of the balcony. "Elsa!" He shouted as he flew faster against the wind, urging it to bring him faster. Of course, it did, which made him unable to slow down fast enough and he crashed into the door.

Elsa was startled by the sudden crash against her door. "W-Who's there?" She called out to the unknown shape moving slowly on the other side. "It's me! Jack!" He replied, his voice a bit muffles but still audible. The Queen gasped and quickly rushed over to the door, pushing it open, and dragging Jack inside.

As soon as his gaze caught sight of her new look, his mouth dropped slightly and he stared. "Jack?" Elsa asked as she raised an eyebrow at him before blushing. "Jack! S-Stop staring at me!" This, no doubt, shook him out of his trance. "What? Oh, uh, I wasn't staring!" "Yes you were!" By now, they were both bright red and blushing, both clearly embarrassed.

Connected By Ice [Jelsa]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora