[]+[]Chapter Nine[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Nine[]+[]

It had been four days of torture for Jack since he had left Elsa's side. As for her, she was still trying to grasp onto that vacant memory in the back of her mind. A knock sounded on Jack's door, but he ignored it. Then, his door flew open, revealing the looming figure of North. "Jack Frost! Get your butt out of this room and bring fun to children!"

The spirit glared at North and rolled over in his bed. The next minute, giant, fuzzy hands lifted him up. "Hey! Let. Me. Go!" Jack protested as the yetis raised him from the bed. With a booming laugh from North, he was throw out the window into the frigid air.

Clearly, he did not wish to ever leave his room again, but he knew he must do his job as a guardian. Groaning as he stood up, he called for the wind and was flung into the air. He figured that he could at least visit the young boy who saw him first. Jamie Bennet.

As he arrived in Burgess, his old home and Jamie's now, he flew above many houses before landing on Jamie's roof. Jack slid down the roof and landed on the young boy's window ledge. Then, pushing the window open with a creak, he slipped into the room.

Jamie, who was now thirteen, was busy playing a video game with his controller. "C'mon...c'mon..." He muttered to him as he stared at the screen. "Jamie?" Jack asked as he sat on the boy's bed. Once he had heard his voice, he slammed the controller down and turned to Jack with a grin.

"Jack! You finally came back!" He exclaimed while Jack chuckled. "Well, what did I say? I'll always be here." They grinned at each other for a few moments before Jack's faded. Noticing this, Jamie's did as well. "Hey, what's wrong?" asked Jamie, looking up into Jack's face. "Nothing, Jamie. I'm totally fine." This, of course, was not the truth.

Not believing him for even one second, Jamie said, "Yeah, right. Seriously. Tell me what's wrong." He truly wanted to know so he could possibly help the winter spirit out. However, the spirit wanted to be left alone and away from people. "Nothing happened."

"Jack! Stop lying to me! I know you are too! Please? I can help." Jamie insisted, almost making Jack want to tell the young boy everything; Elsa, his sadness, the way he fell in love with her, everything. "Jamie, look, you can't help me. It's...personal." He replied before standing up and walking to the window.

Ignoring Jamie's shouts for him to come back, he jumped out the window. He couldn't stand it anymore. He couldn't tell Jamie anything that happened. All that, was between Elsa and Jack. With a sigh, he soared through the sky, not enjoying it like most other days. It felt as if someone had put a million weights in his heart.

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