[]+[]Chapter Five[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Five[]+[]

The news of the King and Queen's death struck the kingdom like a bullet. Most of all, the now slightly older princesses. It had been the day after they had left overseas. Never would the princesses would've guessed that that would be the last time they ever saw one another. Even with all that happened, Elsa still did not leave her room in fear of hurting her sister.

Jack tried desperately to cheer her up, but to no avail. After a while of trying, he gave up. Tears stained the princess's face, her blue eyes gleaming with shiny tears. He hated seeing her like this, in fact, he despised it. Every single second of it. Slowly, he pulled her into his arms and she didn't hesitate to hug him back, sobbing into his sweatshirt.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until Jack pulled back. Elsa looked up at him, panting and puffy eyed. Gently with his thumbs he brushed her tears away. "Hey, you should get some rest Els." said Jack softly as he lifted her up into his arms. She was quite light for a eighteen year old girl.

As the spirit set her down on her bed and turned to leave, she took ahold of his slim wrist. "Jack? S-Stay with me?" This caused him to stay silent for a moment before he turned back and slid into her bed. "If you wish my little princess." Elsa giggled softly, choking a little on extra tears, as she wrapped her arms around his slender body.

It wasn't long before the two had fallen asleep in one another's arms. Their chests rose and fell in unison, as if they had not a care in the world. Although both of them no doubt had something they just had to care about. No sound could be heard from the room besides the gentle breathing from Elsa and Jack.

The next morning, Elsa awoke to the sound of a gentle knock and dread filled her. Anna. "Elsa? Please, I know you're in there. People are asking where you've been. They say "have courage" and I'm trying to. I'm right out here for you. Just let me in. We only have each other. It's just you and me. What are we gonna do? Do you wanna build a snowman?" The two sisters leaned against the opposite side of the door, letting salty liquid roll down their cheeks. Then in a whisper so quiet no one would be able to hear, Elsa whispered, "Of course I wanna build a snowman."

It seemed like forever before Anna finally gave up on her sister answering. What was the point anyway? She sighed and walked down the vacant halls, leaving her sister's door behind for the last time. "Of course I wanna build a snowman." Elsa whispered to herself once again, choking back tears which were fighting their way out.

Ice crept up the walls as if it was threatening to encase her in a block of solid ice. Halfheartedly, Elsa wished that it would happen. What use was she to her sister? All she ever did was lock her out. She doubted Anna would even miss her one bit. Raising her hand to try, try to rid herself of all her problems, she started to pull off her gloves.

Then, a pair of strong hands as cold as ice enclosed her dainty hands. "What are you doing?" Jack asked, looking her in the eyes. "Let go." Elsa hissed bitterly. While he was shocked by her coldness, he didn't release her. "You don't want to do this. She needs you. I need you." Jack said to her yet she stayed quiet.

He needed her. But did he really mean it? Surely he could live without her. His words sunk in to her mind, for she couldn't bare to do it. She couldn't just leave him like that. The only friend she had ever had since she locked herself away from others. Slowly, she lowered her hand, earning a smile from Jack. "Thank you." He whispered.

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