The unexpected rival

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Narrator POV
"Hey hanako..." y/n says
"I wonder if there's any other secret mysteries..." you say back.
"Mehh.. I haven't seen anyone.." hanako says. Then he thinks for a moment.
"Oh! Wait I saw a girl.. she was taller than us.. uh I guess 5'6 (pretend ur short- AHA sorry if ur tall boi/gorl.) she had long blonde hair that reached her back thigh, and she had her hair in two pig tails.. Oh! She had deep ocean eyes! And uhhh... I thought she was just a regular student. The thing is though she looked back at me with a disgusted look.. I don't know... I mean if she saw me how could she be distrusted with my beautiful face!" Hanako said. He looked at you dramatically.

"Really. Really hanako.." you couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"She was also wearing a overalls ... sorta like:

(Pretend he explained it to you

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(Pretend he explained it to you. Also pretend that she has blonde hair in pig tails that reach to her waist-) (also not my drawing)

"Huh.. I'm pretty sure there is another on of us!" You said excitedly

"I last saw her by the garden outside!"

"D'ya think that her yorishiro is there? (I fergert what it's called- AA) " you questioned

"Ehh maybe but let's try and greet her! Hanako said.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(let's pretend she's a flirty tsundere)~
~~(Also ur sorta tsudere- SORTA)~~~
You and hanako clasp you're hands together and walk towards the garden like a pair of newly weds.

The path got narrow and you tripped on your haori because you forgot to pick it up in the front and tripped. Then all of a sudden a girl swooped you up before you could fall.

"Pft BAKA! Your such a klutz!~" the girl said.

"E-eh! No I'm not! The path was narrow." You said

"A-ahem.. We haven't properly met. My name is-"

"Y/n.. yeah yeah I already know.. I've sorta been following you guys since that daikon started coming. She's in the gardening club and I saw hanako and you going to her.. I was a bit suspicious but then I realized you were friendly.."

"But how did Yashiro not see you..?" Hanako questions.

"Ah! I was hiding in the bushes.." you said as putting you hand behind your head.

"ANYWAYS! My name is Saku Hana! Nice to meet you!"

"Alllsssooo! I would like to know the name of this lovely lady!" She picked up your hand and kissed the top of it.
"WW-WHAT WAS THAT!" You said while blushing like crazy. (Saku is rlly flirty btw- lol)

While you two were getting to know each other hanako started to QUAAKKEE..

He got out his knife and started to clean it with a handkerchief.
Oh wait she's already dead. Hanako thought to himself. He put his knife away. He started to observe Saku..
"Hah she's flat." Hanako pointed out.

"HANAKO THATS VERY RUDE OF YOU! Apologize now!" You said angrily.

"Hmph!" Saku said as covering her upper part.

"Ah! Sorry Hana-San! Sometimes he gets like thing when he gets jealous. Gomenasai! (Heh yes Japanese Gomenasai = I'm sorry) (from what I know at least..) "

"Oh will he get jealous if I do this~" Saku said.

She grabbed your back and swooped you up close to her. She grabbed your arms and secured them. Saku went in for a kiss, but hanako stretched his arms out and looked at her with deadly eyes.

"Hmph! Its not like I like her or anything! Also Senpai just call me Saku!"

You and Saku started to talk more too. Most of the time she teased you and flirted and started getting a bit tsundere.

Hanako just stood there with this expression on : •-•

What'll happen to their relationship now? Who will Y/N end up with? \_(•~•)_/ HOW SHOULD I KNOW! Author-Chan knows nothing~

Word count 663

My Dear, Hanako {Hanako x Reader} [DISCONTINUED] [UNDER MAJOR EDITTING]Where stories live. Discover now