~ Chapter 21 ~

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"Jaemin, did you hear anything I said?"

Both Jaemin and Haneul were in the kitchen, trying their best to make a decent breakfast and not burn down the kitchen. 

The more time they had to spend together, the more comfortable they got with each other. But both were still wary due to everything that was happening. 

"What?" he asked, knocking himself out of his 'trance'. He honestly couldn't keep his eyes off of Haneul, and that was becoming a problem he didn't know how to fix.

"I said, can you see if this is good?" Haneul asked as she gave him a piece of the pancake she was making. 

Jaemin took the piece from the spatula before blowing on it.

"It's really hot," he managed to say.

"Like you."

"What?" He wasn't sure if he heard that right.

"Nothing," Haneul smirked, turning back to face the stove. "How is it?"

Jaemin hid his smile but replied to her question. "It's good."

"Great," she flipped the pancake, handing it to him after putting the last one on a plate. "By the way, you can feed Hajoon his carrot food-thing."

"Sure," Jaemin agreed. "How hard could it be?"

Haneul stared at him. "You have no idea." she shuddered imagining the taste of the baby food still 'evident' in her mouth. 

Jaemin laughed, not really believing her. It wasn't going to be too hard. Well, hopefully. 

The two carried their plates over to the living room where Hajoon was sitting on the couch, watching a random baby show on the T.V.

And soon, both Jaemin and Haneul began watching it too, finding it somewhat amusing. 

"He kinda cute though," she muttered, stuffing a piece of her pancake into her mouth.

Jaemin stifled a laugh. "Um..Haneul, that's an animated character."

"And?" she asked before the two began laughing. "Honestly, my life is pretty sad."

"I mean, same," Jaemin agreed, eating the rest of his breakfast.

A few moments later, Haneul broke the silence. 

"Jaemin, tomorrow I have to go to work."

"Oh, right," Jaemin nodded, remembering that all his father's staff has to be at work Monday-Friday.

"You'll be fine taking care of the baby, right?"

"Yeah," Jaemin replied. "Of course I will."

Haneul gave him a smile before taking his empty plate and walking to the kitchen to the sink. Jaemin watched her leave before turning to face Hajoon and picking him up before placing him on his lap.

"We'll be fine together right?"

Hajoon just shrugged his shoulders before turning back to face the T.V again, leaving Jaemin's face change to disappointment,

"I see how it is," he said as he also continued to watch T.V. But a voice interrupted him. 

"Um, Jaemin? Time to feed the baby."

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