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I adjusted my tie before going back out onto the floor. I was not sure why I was still working here. I had a serious savings, Grammy's place had sold for a serious markup because it was lake side and I had it renovated, I was going to get a six figure profit. My insurance check was $500,000, like why was a I working? I should be focusing on midterms not explaining to Dr. Gibbons what capers taste like.

"So it's a pepper corn? Does it taste like pepper and corn?" he asked. For him to be a fucking surgeon, man. I rolled my neck.

"Why don't you get the steak." I said staring at his wife's cleavage. I fucked her my first summer working here. Her skin was leathery from tanning so much and I remember her nipples were hard like they had been frozen. It was a terrible experience, I regretted it, I tried to forget her, but skin that terrible you never forget rubbing against you. She wasn't smooth like Taylor. Can you believe she blocked me? And she hadn't been at home or to work in like a week. I thought about becoming her boyfriend, but why should I change for her? I never changed for Corbin. Corbin put up with my shit for years. I never understood where Taylor got such an idea that she was so much better than every other girl that I used and dismissed.

I looked down at my watch, it was going to be a long night, and my attitude was leaning toward horrific. I had never left work early and I think tonight would be a first. We had a new waiter, and I went to him.

"I'm leaving. You can take my section." I said heading over to my supervisor. I told him I had a terrible headache and I could not stay. I got into my brand -new car. I went classy, I purchased a matte black Ford Raptor. I was still living in my craptastic apartment. I wasn't going to move until I got a better job or figured out more income. I stared at my phone. Taylor had not texted me. I hated this. I let out a grunt, and my phone went off again. This time it was Corbin. She wanted me to pick up Raina, she was working a double. She would pick her up, right before I went to class.

I let my GPS drive me to some huge fucking house in Sandy Springs. I guess she was showing off how much better she was doing now that I was out of her life. I rang the doorbell and John came to the door. I didn't say a word.

"What's going on Jace?" he asked unbothered.

"I'm great, surgery tonight?" I asked not giving a fuck.

"Absolutely." He said leading me through his empty house. Corbin and John were perfect for each other. I was happy they met. I wanted someone special to take care of Raina and he didn't seem half bad. He was smart. My mom thought he was attractive, and I was happy he had a very calm demeanor, and cool temper. That's why I was always an asshole, pushing his buttons to see who he really was. "I hope you don't mind I purchased Raina a bed, she's too cute to sleep on the floor, and it's weird for her to sleep with Corbin and me. I mean I was quite the ladies' man once, and Raina..." I held up my hand for him to shut up. He laughed and it seemed like it moved furniture in the house. His voice was deep, it reminded me of John Coffee in the Green Mile.

"Thanks John." I said staring at the bedroom. The bed set was nice. It was made from white oak, and Corbin had brought a nice pink comforter. I stared at the room. A lot of things from the apartment was here. "Are you two getting married?" I asked.

"I want to." John said looking to me for permission. It wasn't my decision to make. I was not the guy Corbin wanted me to be. I mean I had lied too much and cheated constantly. I was tired of Corbin and she was tired of me.

"Send me an invitation in the mail. I'll be there." I said.

I went home pretended to grocery shop at Raina's play grocery store. She was the cashier and she rang me up.

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