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Raina screamed as I lay in the bed, I was so tired. My feelings were destroyed, he just left me and didn't care about seeing Raina. I began to cry with my baby girl. But I stood up from the bed and grabbed her pacifier from the nightstand, I placed it in her mouth and took in the stench of butternut squash and peas she had eaten early. I changed my baby and things were disrupted by a knock on the door. Was it Jace? Nope, it was Ms. Regina.

"Baby girl, I want to see my grandbaby, Jace...I can't believe it either." Regina said. She sat on my couch with Raina and she listened sweetly to me as I vented and re told that same story of what happened when I came home early from work and he was in bed with that whore.

"Who is she? It seems as though I have seen her." I said thinking of her holding her stupid breast in place.

"I saw her, when I went up to Rome to visit my mother, he was there with her. She called me and everything." Regina said.

"Are you serious?"

"Yep, I called her a Kylie Jenner reject, and he sent her to get a soda." She said patting Raina's back. I couldn't believe he took her around his family. I hadn't been around those racists assholes, but he took her. I was sick of this, Jace had been lying for the longest and I wanted some fucking answers.

"Let's go." I said grabbing my purse.

I was going to Regina's place and raiding his fucking room, and I was going to find something out about this bastard. Regina and I went to her house. I turned into her neighborhood and the same gray mustang that was parked in my space roared passed me. She and I stared at one another as she let up her window. I couldn't believe this bitch was in my face again, and was she at Regina's place, visiting Jace?

I pulled into her driveway and instantly started questioning Regina about that damn car. Regina knew exactly where the car lived.

"I never thought much of that car, I see it all the time." Regina said as I opened his empty desk drawer. This boy had nothing, and it was starting to piss me off.

"Ma!" Regina's twin sons called from downstairs. I bet they knew something. But they wouldn't say anything Jace was their Jesus.

"Where does she stay?" I asked Regina as she went to her sons. I laid on Jace's bed while she cooked them something to eat. Jace hadn't been in this room or fucking house, he was with her. I can't believe he dumped me and abandoned our family for some whore. I could feel tears coming on again, and I shook them away.

"Come on." Regina said just as I was about to break down again.

I got onto the golf cart with her and we drove around their neighborhood. I couldn't believe she was stopping at this stop sign. She quickly turned the corner and we coasted down the hill. We cruised pass about six houses before coming to a cream-colored ranch, with a neat yard.

"It's always right here." She said looking down at her phone. "It's Jace." She said whispering. I snatched the phone from her. He wanted his mom to start arranging meeting for him and Raina at his mom's house. He said it was temporary, until I calmed down. He really wanted me to calm down. This was not my fault; he had broken us up and now he was living with some ho.

"Arrangements, he is not bringing my baby to some whores house." I said looking to his mother. We watched as his big ugly ass white car pulled up to her house. The garage door came up and he pulled straight in. He was living with her. I couldn't believe this. What did this ho have that I didn't? "Let's go." I said feeling sick in the pit of my stomach. I hadn't felt this sick since I was pregnant with Raina. But I knew I wasn't, we didn't have sex.

Raina and I went home, and I woke up on my final alarm. My mother was banging on the door. I got up and started getting dressed, Raina was knocked out beside me. I let my mother in as I was sliding into my scrubs, it was going to be a very long day. I didn't say anything, I left for work. I was in a real fog all day, only focusing when I was treating a patient. Typically, when I was at work, I was everyone's favorite. Everyone came to me with problems, and we would have interesting discussions, but I was to devastated to tell anyone that Jace and I had broken up and that he left me for some whore.

I went to lunch and I sat with my usual crew. They knew right away I was feeling shitty. I felt safe with them and told them what I had been through. I told them about coming home and he was in bed with another woman. My favorite coworker Sasha hugged me tightly.

"Corbin you will pull through, you are going to be alright." She said hugging me again.

"Fuck that, we need to get over to the bank." Dorothy said. "What's in that damn box.

"Obviously it's money, this kid has been a waiter for how long? I've never brought the theory that he works there for whores..." BJ said. BJ and her wife worked here together; they always knew what Jace was going to do next. BJ told me; I should have dated Dr. West before he moved to Denver. But I was pregnant, I couldn't date. "Listen, I will go with you to this bank, I can get you a looksie, but don't touch this assholes cash." She said closing the lid on her Tupperware.

After work she and I went to the bank. I was a little nervous, but BJ flashed a wad of cash and the little lady went straight to the box.

"He has two, but I'm only going to open one." She said pulling the drawer from the wall. BJ went through it. I was worried about going to jail. But I grabbed the stack of money orders. The stack was about two inches thick. Each order was for a couple of hundred dollars.

"Oh baby, this kid...He owns a house in Rome, GA and looks like he's the beneficiary on a policy for a half million dollars." BJ became frustrated from all the deceit. "Corbin lets go before he shows up. If I ever, and I mean ever, hear that you need something from him, and you are begging, I'm going to personally beat you up. Whatever Raina needs can be taken care of by him." She said as I pulled up to her townhome. Her wife waved at me to come in, but I had other things on my mind, I wasn't going to be any fun.

I drove home thinking maybe I really was just some jungle bunny fantasy to him. His Grammy was racist, and he was her favorite. Theirs no telling what he was taught. His new friend was white, and she met his family. He seems to be faithful to her. I bet he helped her get her home, and car, that's why he never had anything for me and Raina. Everything was about that bitch.

I came home and my mother had cooked and my baby looked excited to see me. I could only smile at them, but underneath I was mad as hell. I could barely focus as my mother talked about Raina's christening.

"Mom." I said cutting her off. My mom stared at me as if she was shocked. I stared her over, I couldn't tell her what I had in my mind. "Can you watch Raina for a few seconds.

"Yeah." She said as I slammed my front door.

I drove straight to her fucking house. I pulled onto her driveway as if I owned the house. This bitch had a house and I was begging him to look at them with me. I turned my lights on high beam, even the safari lights that ran across the top of my jeep. The lights could light up a whole house. I'm sure shining them right now lit up her whole house. I began to blow the horn, first once back to back and then I laid on the horn. Someone was going to come out of the house, or the neighbors would call, and they would come home.

I sat there for almost 20 minutes just blowing the horn. I hated scary bitches. He finally appeared in the doorway.

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