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Of course the amazing Mr. Fuck Up didn't sleep at home. At this point it was like Jace was another child. An older child that could put in on the rent. That was all he did. He paid his $600 like clockwork and thought that was all he had to do. He never took charge in things for Raina either. I had to tell him his daughter needed this or that his daughter needed that. He did buy diapers. But he never cleaned this apartment but himself, yes, but this apartment, no! He spent all gotdayum day in bed, because he worked that stupid ass job all night, that paid him chicken shit. But he wouldn't dare quit because he was always fucking around with those stupid whores on the job. I would get so angry thinking how he spent an hour on his stupid ass hair everyday. I was just so frustrated in this relationship that having wild sex with him was the last thing on my mind and that was all he wanted.

I was off for the next 3 days, so I guess I would attempt to tackle my feelings with him. He told me he was staying with his mother and I guess I was driving to Roswell. I wanted to go to my mother and tell her all the things I had been going through, but I loved Jace and wouldn't throw him under the bus. I wouldn't allow my family to mistreat him because of things I had forgiven him for. I looked at my phone and he hadn't texted me at all since me blowing up on that stupid bitch. I never understood why he needed them so bad? Was I not enough? What's wrong with me? I didn't think it was because I had the baby, because Jace...Jace has always had a problem with girls.

When I met him he was quite popular. But he told me I was all he wanted and that I was all that mattered. I've been believing it for a while. But it seems like he's just been out there doing whatever he wanted. He would cheat and come home to me as if I was just supposed to swallow the fact that he just stuck his dick in some other female. I know that men have to tell tall tales to get females to cheat. All women aren't whores rubbing on my Jace. Sometimes it's Jace out there looking for more in someone else. I just wondered what I lacked that made him stray so much? I've been asking that a lot, and he wouldn't give me any answers. So lately things have been silent.

I was beyond the cheating. I wanted to know if he was going to find a career path so we could move from this stupid apartment into a home and start planning a wedding. I wanted a nice engagement ring; it didn't have to be huge like my co-workers. It just needed to be something with an actual stone. I had been looking at things online with him and he seemed to be ready, but he just wouldn't let go of the fucking waterwheel. It was like he either wanted to be a lawyer or a fucking waiter. I didn't understand.

And now I'm back to thinking about how important those whores were to him. How stupid I must have been to keep taking him back knowing he was just going to do the same thing over and over. Raina began to cry and I got out of bed with her. I fed her bathed her and she and I dressed. I loaded her into my jeep and headed to his mothers. I arrived just in time. He was in the driveway with his younger brother playing basketball. I watched Jace, shirtless, and sweating. I did love my Jace. He was sexy. I watched him as he quickly pressed his index finger against his lip. He was trying to keep his brother quiet about something. Here we go. I was mad all over again.

"Hey Corbin." Josh said.

"Hey Josh." I said shielding Raina from sweat.

"Tell mom I'm at Jenny's." Josh said running off.

Jace stared at me lifelessly. No smile, no anger, and no emotion. We both just looked into each other's soul until Raina began laughing. A hummingbird was eating from a flower on in his mother's bushes. He and I went into the house.

"Corbin, I am beat. I just worked my 4th double girl." Ms. Regina said. I could relate to that tiredness.

"Jace you're here. When did you get here?" she asked. I was in total shock. He was supposedly here for the past 3 nights. But instead of flying off the handle I wanted to dig a little deeper. Had he been here at all?

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