You are way too good for this world, Harry Styles

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"So, what did he say?" Niall wrapped his hands around Harry's torso from behind and rested his chin on Harry's shoulder. He tilted his head slightly and started to press small butterfly kisses on the side of Harry's neck.

"He said that we should do an interview and address what happened during the altercation." Harry said while concentrating on the building infront of theirs.

"So? It was inventible." Niall untangled his arms from Harry and quickly slid in-front of his boyfriend. His back pressed against the massive window and his chest against Harry's.

"I know. And it may sound bad, but I don't care to talk about what Zayn did." Harry brushed a single strand of hair away from Niall's forehead and let his hand slid down his head and rest on the side of Niall's neck. "I am afraid of people finding about us. They will never let us live as we want."

"If you mean the management, then we can quit. We will get somebody more supportive." Niall whispered while leaning into Harry's warm hand.

"No. Management is fine with us." As soon as these words flew out of Harry's mouth, it made some gears shift in Niall's head.

"They can't be fine with us, Harry." Niall said and looked directly into Harry's eyes. "They forced Zayn to choose between being with me and his career, that's why he left the band and me."

"What are you talking about, Niall?" Harry looked at a puzzled Niall. He grabbed both of his shoulders in a caring way and spoke in a gentle voice. "I told Simon about us, when I was searching for that bitch GiGi. And he told me that he believes that we will work out our differences and he is happy for us."

"That lying piece of shit." Niall screamed and rushed past Harry. He started to rapidly search for his phone. "Stupid laying wanker. I will fucking destroy his stupid ass."  

Niall found his phone and started to dial a number he never ceased to forget, but he felt that that will change pretty soon. Harry looked at Niall, but didn't dare to intrude on blond boys rant.

"Oh, nice of you to pick up." Niall was fuming and he started to hiss in the phone.

"Even though you sound angry and you have every right to be, I am very happy to hear from you." Zayn said in a quite voice.

"Well don't be too flattered you lying asshole." Niall hissed into the phone while Harry sighed and sat on the couch infront of Niall.

"Niall..." Zayn tried to speak, but he was cut off by a massive growl escaping from Niall's lips.

"You played me so well. So management didn't want us together, oi?" Niall huffed angrily. "Because Simon is just fucking fine with me and Harry being together."

"I-I..." Zayn started to stutter and couldn't find the right words. So he just let his head fall down and a frown formed on his lips. "I am sorry."

"It doesn't cut it Zayn." Niall basically screamed into the phone. Harry stared at him with wide eyes, he had never seen Niall so angry. "Everything that you have done to fuck up mine and Harry's life's, a simple sorry won't do. We'll see you in court and trust me when I say - I want you to rot in that jail."

Niall ended the call, before Zayn could even make a squeak and threw his phone down on couch. Harry took the phone and placed it on the small round table infront of him. He taped to the place next to him and motioned for Niall to sit next to him.

Niall gave Harry a small smile and did just that. He nuzzled into Harry's side and hugged him. He let his eyes close and he enjoyed the closeness of the younger boy. Inhaling his scent and trying to think positive thoughts.

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