Is daddy eager?

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"Hey, pet." Niall said while opening the white door and entering Harry's privat room. At time like this he was so thankful for their status. Because Harry got the best care and all the privacy in the world.

"I brought you some sunflowers. Oh and bananas. 'Ya know, if you wake up today and feel hungry." Niall smiled at Harry's sleeping figure and put the flowers in the vase and bananas on the coffee table in the far end of the room. "The flowers are for me and people who visit you. To make this white room a bit more cheerful. The fans have been sending a lot of support messages. They are amazing. They of course don't know what exactly happened, but they didn't need to know every detail."

Niall leaned down and pressed a light kiss on Harry's forehead and moved his hair around, making it look like it hasn't been sitting in one position for days.

"I try to be strong. For you. For the fans." Niall whispered while sitting down on the small chair next to Harry's bed. The beeping sound echoing through the room. "It's funny tho. Us. Isn't it? Half a year ago, I would laugh if somebody would even suggest to me that me and you would be an us. And now, because of you, I feel my heart getting ripped apart. It's funny how the night changes, innit?"

A soft knocking sound ringed through the room making Niall look over his shoulder. He saw Liam and Louis standing in the door frame, holding hands.

"Is it ok if we come inside?" Liam asked in a small voice and looked over at Harry.

"Guys, I have said to you million of times that you can come here as much as you want." Niall got up and went over to his best friends, hugging both of them at the same time. "It is actually lonely here. Harry hasn't been the best conversation buddy for the last week."

All boys chuckled a bit and turned to look at their friend. He looked so small and delicate. Like he was sleeping peacefully. His thoughts somewhere far, far away. He looked almost like a doll. A beautiful and innocent doll.

"Is he making any progress?" Louis asked and untangled himself from Niall so he could walk closer to Harry's sleeping figure. "Are there any signs that he could wake up any time soon?"

"Well the doctor did say that his vital organs are fine now. And his brain activity is also good." Niall huffed a puff of air and went over to the window and looked out of it. Spotting few paparazzis in the bushes. "What's happening with Zayn?"

"He is under house arrest now." Liam said quietly while moving closer to Niall and wrapping his arms around him. "But he will start his trial ass soon as Harry will be up and better and can come to the court."

"I just don't get it. How did everything turn this fucking dark." Niall shook his head and thought about the boy he once loved. He couldn't believe that he practically threw his life away. He almost took somebody's else's life away.

Suddenly boys were brought out of their conversation by a low almost non existent growl coming from where Harry was. All of their heads snapped into his direction and Niall ran up to him.

"Harry, baby?" Niall said in a way to rushed voice. His heart beating in his chest erratically. He started to press the red button next to Harry's bed.

Harry's eyes slowly started to flutter open and shut. Soft moans escaped his lips as he tried to keep his eyes open.

"Guys, call a nurses or a doctor, that bloody button isn't fucking working." Niall started to shout at Liam and Louis, the Wolverhampton boy rushed out of the room and tried to find somebody.

"Shhhh, don't scream Niall. For fucks sake." Harry's eyes were finally open and he felt like his head is breaking in to two parts.

"Oh my god, Harrrrrrryyyyy!" Niall basically squealed and threw his body on top of Harry's and squeezed him a bit to hard, making Harry groan in pain. "Oh I am sorry."

DOES HE KNOW? ~ NARRY ✔Where stories live. Discover now