He is just a great shag

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"Stay on the other side of the room." Niall hissed at Harry as soon as the Cheshire lad walked through the door.

"Gladly." Harry roles his eyes and made his way to the table that was filled with different kind of food. "And I will stay on this side, with all the food and drinks. But you do stay on that side and starve to death, moron."

"You, bitch. Don't mess with my food." Niall clenched his fists and stormed in Harry's direction. He was stopped by a strong arm infront of him.

"Buddy, why won't we go back to 'your side' of the room and Lou will bring you what ever you want, how does that sound?" Liam has already given up on mending the relationship that Niall and Harry had, he just had to make sure that they all survive the next 8 weeks together.

"Sooo, the talking didn't do any good, 'ey?" Louis whispered in Harry's ear and he shook his head. "Did you just scream at each other or what?"

"Yeah, something like that happened." Harry smirked while looking at Niall. Remembering that screaming did take place two nights ago. Harry would be lying if he said that annoying blond didn't pleasure him. He was actually yearning more of moaning and sweating from him.

"Well, you at least tried. Me and Liam are saying a big thank you." Louis did a very cartoonish curtesy at Harry and started to put some food on a plate. "Now, I will give Ni some food or he will kill me."

Harry frowned for some reason. He was mad that Louis was serving Niall, like he is some kind of royalty. He could feel his blood boil, but he kept it in. He just took a glass of lemon water and started to sip it.

He watched how Liam had his arm around Niall's shoulder and they were whispering about something. He really wanted to know what they were talking about. Louis went over them and kneeled infront of Niall and handed him a plate full with food.

"Her you go, lovely!" Louis said while smiling. Harry's grip around the glass had gotten tighter. "I hope that I didn't leave out anything that you love!"

"Lou, you shouldn't have! But, hey! You knew everything that I wanted!" Niall smiled and leaned down to peck Louis on his nose. Harry could feel like exploding from anger, he squeezed the glass even more and soon it broke in his hand. Glass flying everywhere and tiny drops of blood dripping to the floor. But Harry's gaze still locked on Niall.

"Oh my god, Harry! Are you ok? What happened?" Soon Liam was infront of Harry and leading him to the bathroom to wash his hands. Louis got up and found a broom to clean up all the glass. Only Niall stayed seated and pretended to not care and eat his food, but in reality he was a bit worried about Harry, but he would never show it.

"Hazza, what happened?" Liam asked as he was putting some ointment on small cuts on Harry's palms. "It's first time I see somebody breaking a glass like that."

"I don't know. Just got a bit pissed and didn't think what I was doing." Harry confessed and let Liam put some bandage around his damaged hand. "Just annoys me how Louis is treating Niall. He isn't some princess that needs to be tiptoed around."

"Yeah. Annoys me too." Liam said sadly. His head hung low. "I don't know why Louis is always so affectioned around Niall."

"Does that bother you, Liam? I thought that you and Niall are tight?" Harry asked feeling that Liam is not telling him something.

"Can I tell you a secret? But you can never tell anybody about it! Especially Lou!" Liam looked at Harry with stern eyes and Harry nodded. "Sofia is a beard. She is a good friend, but we are not dating. I actually have crush on somebody else."

"Is it Lou?" Harry said while trying to connect the dots. Liam nodded his head 'yes' and buried his face in his hands. "And you are afraid that he and Niall are having a secret affair or something like that?"

DOES HE KNOW? ~ NARRY ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें