No matter what happens, baby

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Harry ran as fast as he had ever ran before. Being his clumsy self, he tripped few times, but it didn't matter to him. He needed to get away from here. His vision became really blurry and it was hard to see where he was running.

When Harry managed to get inside of his bus, he broke down. His back was pressed against the door and he slowly slid down. Tears where streaming down his face. He could feel the salty taste on his lips. He gripped his curls and tugged them harshly.

Loud screams escaped Harry's lips and he started to punch the floor under him. He got up and kicked the mini fridge. The doors flew opened and he saw a bottle of Jack Daniel's.

"Just what I need." Harry took the bottle out and drank it as fast as he could. When he was on his final gulps, the door of the bus opened and Liam rushed over to Harry.

"Hazza, what are you doing?" Liam tried to take the bottle of vile substance away form Harry, but he wouldn't let him do it. "Harry, please give me the bottle. What ever is happening with you, can be solved in  another way."

"That little bitch." Harry hissed and threw the bottle on the ground. The glass flew in every direction possible. "Giving me signals that there could be something between us and then just going and kissing that jerk."

"Harry, who are you talking about?" Liam tried to tip toe around the shards of broken glass, before Harry slammed his hand against the wood cupboard. He didn't stop punching it. "Please, Hazza, calm down. Tell me what happened?"

Harry turned around and faced Liam. His eyes were wet and bloodshot. There were stains of tears on his cheeks and his lips were quivering. He carefully walked over to Liam. Blood from his knuckles dripping on the floor.

"Let me tell you one thing." Harry's voice was filled with rage and venom. "If that little goody two shoes likes to act like a little hoe, than I will show him what treatment he deserves for playing with me."

"W-what?" Liam was at a loss of words. Harry pushed past him and walked out of the bus.

When Harry came closer to Niall's bus, he stoped and took a deep breath. He didn't even bother to knock on the door, he just swinged it wide open and entered Niall's and Louis bus.

"Hazza- what happened to you?" Louis ran to Harry and took his palms inside of his. "Why are you bleeding."

"Lou, I don't want to be rude, but leave me alone with Niall." Harry didn't even look at Louis, his eyes were drilling holes in Niall's face.

"B-but Harry, we need to leave for our next concert." Louis tried to reason with Harry, but he had no luck.

"Louis, I said get the fuck out." Harry pushed past Louis and turned against him. "You are staying with Liam till the next stop, got it?"

Louis looked between Harry and Niall. He saw anger and desperation in Harry's green eyes and sadness in Niall's blue ones. He didn't know if he can leave them both like that. He really didn't want them to kill each other.

"LOUIS, NOW!" Harry yelled and then Louis knew that he really needs to scatter and leave them be. So he ran to the other bus and straight away he was comforted by Liam's strong arms.

"Harry, wha-" Niall's speech was cut very short by Harry pacing towards him, his pointer finger pointing at Niall's chest.

"No, no, no. You aren't gonna be the one to talk. I will do the talking." Harry poked Niall's chest until his back hit the bathroom door. "You make me go crazy. You are so whiney and needy. You dare to tease me and leave me all hard, because I didn't fucking cuddle with you? What are you? A teenage girl?"

DOES HE KNOW? ~ NARRY ✔Where stories live. Discover now